TheUnwelcomeGuest Pourquoi pas, haven't heard it in a while!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Also jamming this earlier...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest Ok, this was a particularly apposite tune for some remote hiking in and around North Island in New Zealand...
TheUnwelcomeGuest I'm going to try and recreate the playlist for my round the world trip in 2006, let's see how we go...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This accompanied some laidback moments in NZ...
TheUnwelcomeGuest I guess I was still digging Garden State OST at this point...
scrufus runaway train, never going back, wrong way on a one-way track, seems like I should be getting somewhere, somehow I'm neither here nor there..
TheUnwelcomeGuest I was just getting into DCFC really at the time and this was one of the standout tracks...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Back to this RTW trip playlist from 2006, this was listened to in Santiago after mooning over a Welsh girl for about 2 weeks in NZ...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @bendrix... Absolutely quality tune, ending a quality movie and my favourite JMC track... (reblip)
claudix agora me deu até vontade de ouvir de novoahmmm ;) (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest Cos it's like sad... But true... Best drum chorus in the world ever, has a tom ever been so integral to a song? Probably not!
TheUnwelcomeGuest I used to pump this when I drove across the I-40 in the states headin' for Vegas...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest but now it reminds me of guitar hero @DrEdge... Never say that... (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @m800... Good idea... My fave tricky...
TheUnwelcomeGuest The only Mogwai tune in the world ever...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This is... a poor quality version ... of one of the best songs ever...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Jesus... This is a very old one of my favourites... Nina is a friend of mine and she now lives in Berlin...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @NikNak... You gotta love Ms. Benatar... Can you believe David Kitt thought it would be uncool to cover this tune?!? Utter madness...
TheUnwelcomeGuest My first proper gig ever... Back in 1995!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest "I lie... To become immortal..." I heard this first in a Judas Priest theme pub in Berlin... True story...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Yeah... But they're selling low in a complete bear market...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Who the hell doesn't like this song and it's overt undertones...
TheUnwelcomeGuest One of the best pieces of songwriting ever...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This is. Exactly. What y'all been searchin' for...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This is the real Irish shit (norn Irish shit)...
TheUnwelcomeGuest I took down a mirror myself...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This is probably one of my top three...
TheUnwelcomeGuest More old skool irish shit...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest Who doesn't like Cake? ;) @DJ_MarilynRoxie (your nick is too long), let them eat CAKE!!! (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @DJ_MarilynRoxie... Nah, I'm one to talk!!! The length of my nick!!! I might change it, tis a long story... (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @Striker... Mark Lanegan's new stuff with Isobel Campbell ain't bad neither, welcome aboard!!! Christophe here... (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest Control is probably the best movie about music as opposed to a music movie evar... (reblip)

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

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TheUnwelcomeGuest The Hold Steady should get Jesse to jam along...
Ceriffwrdd she's doing so much harm, doing so much damage..
JRex778 @lilwldchld = my favorite Blondie tune; @heatherbrooke00 I know you like music and have such a good ear for it = y I inquired :) -- I've a tin ear:-(
erinscobee What I Am - Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians
nonaih a discussão do momento no mIRC do MKO é: sex appeal e feiúra de Karen O. hahahaha
TheUnwelcomeGuest Alright time to break out the big guns.. In a poll of people in the universe, this was voted the best song ever... @Striker!
eliramirez Je voudrais être un peu plus comme Léa.

kristin hersh-your ghost

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stephiebug Carmen and the devil...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @Striker... I see you've been working your magic, eh!
TheUnwelcomeGuest No one will ever love you... So fucking what...
TheUnwelcomeGuest three of my favourite things together @Madigan... Two of mine but I have to hear this!!! (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest And for some reason, the Gaslight Anthem remind me of these guys... Inexplicable I know!
TheUnwelcomeGuest ... jaysus, trying to find a song that works on blip!
TheUnwelcomeGuest One hit wonders, then a one hit cover and the lead singer joins Judas Priest.. Classy...
briangreene whats this sobriety thing you sing of? - with hat tip & reblip to @abarbosa (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest ... This isn't about Jack Ruby is it????
TheUnwelcomeGuest Salut la compagnie! Bon soir! A very good night to you... Oiche maith!
TheUnwelcomeGuest The night of songs with a lot in common begins... I'm twinning this with "Under my Thumb" by the Stones...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest I think I've been to the museum in this video...
TheUnwelcomeGuest One of my fave songs of all time... And quite appropriate today...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Time to get it together... It is the worst financial crisis in a 100 years...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Time to resume my vampire activities...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Great guitar lines, great lyrics... Richie, Happy Holidays wherever you are!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Outside of RVM... My fave track of a whole generation...
TheUnwelcomeGuest The best song in the world EVAR!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest @nikkic... My fave single evar... Sort of an alternative tamla motown... Mucho props!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest @amyb88... You're reminding me of the great french songs of my youth... Tous les gens... Everyone @ everyone... Give this a spin, cute beyond hell!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Totally keeping it 80s... With what will remain a classic throughout the ages...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @all blipsters... Keep it real! Night...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Welcome to 2009 kids...

Howling Bells - Into The Chaos

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TheUnwelcomeGuest Ah finally someone is playing cool tunes tonight... @ojosdeaguja!!! Muchos gracias!!! (reblip)
TheDiva "where is my mind?"

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Where Is My Mind (Pixies Cover)

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ATG The original "Teardrop" by Massive Attack. "Teardrop on the fire / Fearless on my breath."
TheUnwelcomeGuest @patita.. @flower.. You guy's like Chris Cornell... Well, you might like this... I'm not responsible for your bedsheets though...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Hunting for Patrick Bartholomew Ahern... This ain't over brother... Not by a longshot...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Angels deserve to die...

System Of A Down Chop Suey!,flv

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TheUnwelcomeGuest It makes no difference to me...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Because we're young (or kinda intermittently old...)

SuedeSo Young

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TheUnwelcomeGuest A few good songs before bed... Besides... Did I mention, all my friends are embryonic???


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TheUnwelcomeGuest Not feeling so California mesmelf...
TheUnwelcomeGuest And one album track for good measure...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @briangreene... She sure was based here... I actually saw her at Oxegen in '04, in between Saucy Monky (great band) and these characters...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Ok people are playing alot of U2 tonight... Not a good thing... Anyway, if there is a U2 song that's ok to play, it's this one and that's about it...
TheUnwelcomeGuest One album... Never heard of since but this was a pretty good single...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Anyone remember Toby Amies & Alternative Nation... Great stuff...
TheUnwelcomeGuest More Alternative Nation vaults stuff...
Baku Was listening to the Pumpkins earlier, and this track came on from the Watchmen trailer... <3
TheUnwelcomeGuest I used to hate Joni growing up... Now, I'm kind of nostalgic for her bytimes...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @futurebiblehero @redroulettes... Nihilism is the nectar of the gods... Or ubermenschen... Behold the overman...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @marilovisky... Sure I love Radiohead... In fact, I do it to myself...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest @godninja.. @stirker.. Beers? Tomorrow? I will not succumb to peer pressure, I shall drink at home.. Man U v Spurs at 17.15..
SarahWV I need your lovin' like the sunshine
TheUnwelcomeGuest Someone played The Lemonheads earlier and claimed it was the original? Nah, this is the original!
lilanelsole Encore sous la lune, à la recherche de mes étoiles.
TheUnwelcomeGuest @sambodhi... Pretty much my favourite, of a limited few, REM songs... New Adventures in Hi-Fi was a great record...

REM - Leave

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TheUnwelcomeGuest This song is ridiculously addictive...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Actually, this was the track I was searching for!
TheUnwelcomeGuest I hate Caravans... But I love Goldfrapp...
TheUnwelcomeGuest This video is pretty cool... Furrys on bikes...
TheUnwelcomeGuest "The direction of the eye, so misleading, the direction of your soul..."
TheUnwelcomeGuest There is still a price on Patrick Bartholomew's head... (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @vaniakg... I've never seen anyone blip Paramore on here before... I salute you!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Which it does quite a bit in Ireland...
TheUnwelcomeGuest ECB rate cuts aren't on the agenda for ever...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Something more productive...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest @Madigan... I wanted actually to blip: "The Rest of the Day off" but no luck finding that, so this'll have to do!!! :P
Antenaweb This is really nice... // Ben Gibbard rlz !! amazing voice (reblip)

Alphastates - Sometimes

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TheUnwelcomeGuest Btw folks... If you haven't guessed... "Singles" is, was and shall always ever be my favourite movie... I mean Bridget Fonda and cameos from PJ...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @eske... Have run out of decent Irish blips... Anyway, there will always be another one!!! We've had two in two mths for krissakes!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest I wanna cover this with Nina Hynes... @briangreene @ Madigan @godninja...
TheUnwelcomeGuest @edson3... Oh fuck, this is brilliant!!! Great song, always a good cover but this is great! (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @PaddyYank... M83 are a superb band, the first and third record are brilliant... This is off the first record and prob the first tune that got me!!!

M83In Church

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temptingmama I used to fall asleep to this song many nights in college. Okay so fall asleep means pass out but whatever.
TheUnwelcomeGuest "What we've got here is failure to communicate, some men, you just can't reach..."
TheUnwelcomeGuest "Your love affair has got to go..." RIP Layne Staley...
Sandman5 The more you try to erase me, The more, the more, The more that I appear....
TheUnwelcomeGuest @Ozarksagent... A bit of 60s never hurt anyone I suppose... Except for Otis...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Maybe, I'm thinking.. I need some more insurance...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Wow.. And the Clash bothered with Lily Allen?!?
rsepulveda RB @Vinvin: "Listening to this song again, and again, and again. Obsessions!" (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @djwttw... Sorry... Dude / Dudette! I default to masculine to be on the safe side!!!
manugue @karovingia, pero que generosidad!!!, 3 props casi consecutivos. Ahí te va mi favorita de los gunners.
Eliza Honey, you are the rock upon which I stand.
TheUnwelcomeGuest Here's what a one armed drummer can do... And it's pretty fucking rocking!!!

pour some sugar on me - Def leppard

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cdub yet to be released yeah yeah yeahs - gonna be good
TheUnwelcomeGuest Can't believe Mickey Rourke got nothing for this flick... If you're wondering about the segue Springsteen dueted with Jesse Malin on the last track!
TheUnwelcomeGuest @AbsinthEve... No probs, that's what it's here for I guess... I remember having this record long before noughties marketing people heard it!!!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Save, save your friends... Hate, hate your enemies... Speak, speak the truth...


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TheUnwelcomeGuest Neon loneliness... This wonderful world of purchase power... Survival's as natural as sorrow... Some of the best lyrics of all time, great video too!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Great band... Saw these guys @ Oxegen Festival in 2004 or 2005, can't remember... Happier Days!
TheUnwelcomeGuest You gotta love Ms. Benatar... Can you believe David Kitt thought it would be uncool to cover this tune?!? Utter madness... (reblip)
hartleymanages would this make you dance at a party if a DJ played it? (I need to know)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @godninja @mellomatic @marilovisky... "Freedom, just around the corner from you..."
TheUnwelcomeGuest Can't believe Mickey Rourke got nothing for this flick... @mellomatic... Plus.. Marisa Tomei, nekkid! Sweet! (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest "What we've got here is failure to communicate, some men (or women!), you just can't reach..." @marilovisky

Guns N Roses - Civil War

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TheUnwelcomeGuest Kinda goes with all the Vampire Goth, I was watching earlier but it's Miami Vice? Go figure... (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest "I'm going to spill my beer, if you don't learn how to steer!"
TheUnwelcomeGuest @redroulettes You're on a roll tonight, I actually morph this into one of my original songs, just the outro... Nothing too tasteless... :P (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest @djwttw... Seeing as you're going in that direction...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Some more LP...

linkin park - faint

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TheUnwelcomeGuest Time for bed... And I hate everything about blip... :P

Ugly Kid Joe - I Hate Everything About You

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TheUnwelcomeGuest Like Editors... Don't like REM much... But like this song! Cheers blip! (reblip)
TheUnwelcomeGuest 2/3... "'...cos I walk with pride with a black girlfriend... With a love so pure for a hate so black...""
TheUnwelcomeGuest 3/3.. That took a while but here it is!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Might blip a few REMs before I catch some REM...
TheUnwelcomeGuest Just sorting out some new albums on itunes, like this track!
TheUnwelcomeGuest Ok blippers... I'm 3 short of the 1000 listeners here! Come on! I'd blip this @evablue but I know better than that... :P
TheUnwelcomeGuest Years ago... I was asked, unprepared, what my fave song in the world was... Hi Fidelity style, I couldn't remember and blurted this out...
TheUnwelcomeGuest 2/3... I always liked this song and not just cos I'm irresistibly drawn to girls who's name starts with a C...
TheUnwelcomeGuest I feel like a petrified tree meself sometimes...
Inesobjetsmart liked rudy, but likes messages even more.
TheUnwelcomeGuest Best single of 2009? Hey... Was this released in 2009?!?!
TheUnwelcomeGuest @Madigan... Cannot believe you blipped TT... For that you should come over and do my ironing!
madSoul Heartless– Kris Allen:sorry about this the original forgotten...back seat to this version. Admittedly, this is beautiful. (reblip)
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