erikamae This song was the last one she played at one of her concerts of Revelling/Reckoning.. and it gave me chills it was still reverberating in me as i left
erikamae if this poem/song don't resonate with the femaleness in you... and wanting to kick a guys ass for using you!!
erikamae I remember blaring this song with my sister Laura Lee on Michigan Ave. before we went into TC's..... songs and a place in time
erikamae One more.... also some more high on the list are "Grey" and "Marrow".....
trent_reznor I know I'm going on, but these records have really meant that much to me. I hope this resonates with some of you.
erikamae This woman picked me up in the mid 90's and carried me through into the 2000's ... she is a poet, a wonderful guitar player, and her voice says more
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