DaddyDM From the Ripley County Blues CD
DaddyDM Glenn Kaiser Band with their title track from the CD carolina Moon.


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scmcqueen Just feeling the need for some Unfailing Love
scmcqueen When gravity is pulling me down, I just gotta let go
iStone Q to Hendrix:"How does it feel to be the world's best guitarist?" Hendrix answer:"I don't know. You'll have to ask Phil Keaggy"
scmcqueen Great Christian musician, she played at Capo Beach Calvary a couple months ago.
scmcqueen Listening to Starfield quietly settling down for the night.
iStone From the same artist who brought you "Little Honda":_"Rock 'n' Roll Preacher" - CHUCK GIRARD
iStone When I'm worn out, weary, sick, beat, just undone, HERE is what I do: _"Father's Arms" - DANIEL AMOS
iStone Man, I need THIS more than anything!_"Refiner's Fire" - BRIAN DOERKSEN
AliveinMe @DJstromer19 I love this song...many blessings to you from our AMAZING know all the strength you get thru Him! :) And I thank God for that! (reblip)
AliveinMe I praise God 4 the husband He blessed me w/today-I was listening 2 this in the beginning!Song amazed me when I grew closer 2 Jesus-& understood it! (reblip)
AliveinMe This is so true...and I am so thrilled I found this out 6 yrs ago..we aren't to live for ourselves and selfish desires...all 4 HIM! (reblip)
kurtwvs Still like the Newsboys. They always take us to their fearless Leader!
kurtwvs During this bad economy, have you found your mansion Builder yet? For real.. can U feel me? Get on it dude!
kurtwvs They say we Americans are shallow? Are ya? Wanna go deeper?
AliveinMe We just need to let go-whatever HE IS DOING-it is for His Kingdom...we need to let Him work thru us! Blessings to you all! (reblip)
AliveinMe Jesus is here for us all-and nothing is ever far-He is all over-neverending-as it is from east to west.. (reblip)
kurtwvs I was searchin' like a little child and then found myself CAUGHT! What a relief to find Jesus!
AliveinMe He is MORE than enough for all of about all we need!! :)
AliveinMe @jimmiekersh this is dedicated to YOU!!
AliveinMe Amen to this one too! He is our amazing Strong us strength when we are weak!! (reblip)
AliveinMe @squeakymouse73 I had that one going earlier!! amazing!! blessings girl!!<><> My favorite worship song, because it's so simple. (reblip)
kurtwvs Ever check out in the Bible what king David did; how he went vertical.. crazy-wild in dance, not even caring at all what his lame wife thought? Want2!
kurtwvs Grateful, Crystal Lewis. Thanks for your songs.
kurtwvs Congrats on your new CD, but I also love ur old stuff that you did in Germany too!
AliveinMe @kurtwvs I'd rather one day with Him than a million here w/o Him anyday! God bless you! (reblip)
AliveinMe @kurtwvs I am ready-are you ready for our Consuiming Fire to have His Way with us? I am sure YOU are-amazing pastor thru Jesus! (reblip)
kurtwvs Lukas, Peter Mueller, Tanja n I did this song in Augsburg Germany some years ago. "Why Dont You Look Into Jesus!" Thanks Larry.
DaddyDM @ShyTrbleMaker I am guessing that U have heard Flyleaf, Superchick, Paramore & some of the early Plumb stuff? If not U can find some in my playlist. (reblip)
SherryHummitsch Grateful, Crystal Lewis. Thanks for your songs. (reblip)
SherryHummitsch Love to crank up the volumn on this one. (reblip)
scmcqueen His name I will never tire of, it is Wonderful!
kurtwvs had a little mishap. A friend invited me to join, I did & then (when trying to connect with 2 pp) accidentally sent invites to many. Sorry!
kurtwvs feels life's too short for hyper-small trivial talk. I just wanna stay angry at the evil ..and know I'm pullin' em to You.
kurtwvs Ya took away the shame that was bad.. took away the blame that I had.
kurtwvs opts not to run ahead, or lag behind, or get all anxious and out of whack.. but simply to wait.. but not even merely for waiting sake. In and 4 Him.
DaddyDM We are not at the end of the line yet. (reblip)
DaddyDM @demongirly Why Kiss the feet of the people who kick you... (reblip)
scmcqueen I'll try not to make you stumble

04 DC TALK (What If I Stumble)

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kurtwvs If I hang on to my life I'll lose it, but if I lose my life to Christ.. I'll find life n liberty! Y shortly gain all that appears cool in this world?
kurtwvs Give Jesus All You Got.. With U Included As Part Of The Package Deal! U have nothing 2 lose.. except sorrow, heartache, sin, judgment, n fakeness.
kurtwvs Gospel Smospell Komboskbel? U mean religious gospel, or gospel music right? Most Westerners haven't heard it! Do U know God or merely only about Him?

Greg Laurie - The Gospel

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kurtwvs U Searchin' Searchin' Searchin' 4 A Heart of Gold? That pure heart is Christ's ..Get 2know ur Best Friend n Lord!

Neil Young - Heart of Gold

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scmcqueen I am all His, as is but getting better
AliveinMe Goodnight all!! His music for our Lord is so amazing! (reblip)
AliveinMe This one has touched me deep since 2006-antiseizure meds made me drop 2 98 lbs & moving-huge grand mal seizure-He talks to us thru musci 2! (reblip)
AliveinMe My very first song to cling to-new-becoming Christian-in the hospital for another overdose, numbing pain-this began to unfold Jesus' love! (reblip)
AliveinMe Thank Him 4 everything-isn't it amazing He loves us-HEARS US-never forget that-He found us so we'd find & accept Him back 4 an amazing relationship! (reblip)
AliveinMe thru Jesus-this is our life-to live it 4 Him...not waste it on material things-or dwelling-He has amazing plans-keep looking to our amazing God! (reblip)
AliveinMe cast all those cares aside...TODAY IS THE DAY WITH JESUS ALWAYS!!
AliveinMe We find all the amazing positive truths in HIM! not in us-or anything else..all in is for HIM! (reblip)


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AliveinMe We just need to let go-whatever HE IS DOING-it is for His Kingdom...we need to let Him work thru us! Blessings to you all! (reblip)
AliveinMe I want to praise Him...and shine for Him-just as all the awesome things He created do-stars-moon-sun...we have hearts-lets shine for JESUS! (reblip)
AliveinMe And I was Hanging By A Moment..and Jesus saw me thru! :) As I fell in love with HIM! (reblip)
kurtwvs sez it ain't PC to mention the blood, the cross, repentance, trust in Jesus alone as the "only Way in" post-mortem, but kids don't always know needs.
kurtwvs asks: If a terminally sick person didn't know they R, would the medicine-cure B popular w/em? Spiritual-sickness is Sooo worse n Jesus->the onlyCure!
kurtwvs asks: U in or out?.. no in-between, U 4 Him or against Christ, gathering or scattering? It Aint baaad 2 B His sheep. U must B born-anew (John 3:3)!
kurtwvs History shows us that the masses have rarely known what was best for them. Look at some we’ve voted into office? The masses turned on Christ. Will U
scmcqueen Feeling a bit Delirious after some weird dreams, but still here I am.
scmcqueen Don't let me stumble today!

04 DC TALK (What If I Stumble)

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scmcqueen This much I know, I was made to love Him: It's Not About Me
kurtwvs ’s current mood? Well, it’s kinda like POD’s. Alive! Still appreciate how they get it done ( Submit, Commit (to Christ), Tran
kurtwvs Try to explain how it works once again how POD does it: Submit, commit (to Christ), transmit (the Gospel)!


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kurtwvs Still love to listen to Keaggy and Stonehill. Your love broke through and now I can really see..
kurtwvs finds it pretty cool that he just befriended singer, movie maker and song writer, Steve Taylor in Facebook:
kurtwvs Lord Jesus, make me a servant, 'cause my flesh aint at all wanting that kind of thing subjectivity to happen w/me on the towel n bucket end of things!
kurtwvs asks if you remember Matthew Ward and the band 2nd Chapter of Acts from the '70s (named after the Book of waiting, power n gud action in the Bible)?
kurtwvs with Good Friday (the darkest day in history ever) and Easter (the Resurrection day), upon us, do U remember this song from the 2nd Chap of Acts band?
kurtwvs U feelin' lonely, empty, afraid, guilty or beat down today? U don't know the way the wind blows, so how can U count on tomorrow even showin' up?
kurtwvs I used ta drink like a slippery hard ta handle crocodile out to bite cha, but received Him in the spring of 1977 on the West Coast.
scmcqueen His love reaches me wherever I am, in spite of me.
newlifekitsap Don't settle for 'Just Fine' or 'Just Okay'....get on the Mission with Jesus today!..
newlifekitsap Great song to end your day - Sandra McCracken "Jesus the Lord My Savior Is"
newlifekitsap More Sandra McCracken - "Shelter"
newlifekitsap And still more Sandra McCracken - "Ten Thousand Angels"
kurtwvs There is only One who is worthy to reign over your life and His name begins with a J. (reblip)
AliveinMe will always be amazed by this song-I grasped the words barely B4 I turned 2 Jesus-& they amazed me! Had this in our wedding in 2007. (reblip)
AliveinMe AMEN!! Thru Him-days are bright even when harder than others-takes that weight! This song is so gripping...HERE I AM!!!! He is so amazing!
AliveinMe this one by him made me pour tears after I had huge seizures in 2006-first time again after my 2nd brain surgery for BIG ones-so sick
AliveinMe His name is Jesus!!! Psalm 24:10 King of Glory Lord Almighty...AMEN (reblip)
AliveinMe He is so our amazing REAL Divine about TRUE LOVE! :) (reblip)
AliveinMe I'd rather one day with Him than a million here w/o Him anyday! God bless you! (reblip)
AliveinMe Many blessings to you all from our awesome God who IS EVERLASTING!! (reblip)
AliveinMe AMEN...He is so GOOD...let His Glory FALL on you!!! Love you all!! :) (reblip)
AliveinMe Words so true-He is heart beats for Jesus! (reblip)
De_Ann Hast Du etwas Zeit fuer mich.... (reblip)
AliveinMe Psalm 136: Give thanks to the LORD for He is good!! His faithful love endures forever!!!!! (reblip)
AliveinMe amazing memories-song #11 off there 1st album-played it over & over-I didn't want 2 B in between-let my mind rest-thru Him I was able to in His arms (reblip)
scmcqueen My only savior, my reason, my shelter, my peace, my rest, my everything is in Him
scmcqueen Burn away all the chaf and leave me on fire for You!
AliveinMe Praise Him for everything...He is so amazing! Song grips me each time!! (reblip)
AliveinMe my pre 2nd brain surgery song... :) He is so full of grace!! (reblip)
AliveinMe He is sooo our salvation-and is more than HERE!! :) AMEN!! We are all going to be alright-thru Him! (reblip)
AliveinMe awesome lyrics...revive me...according to Your LOVING KINDNESS!! As we seek His Word! AMEN...
AliveinMe He sure called me...and I SOOO fell in LOVE WITH HIM!! :) AMEN!! (reblip)
AliveinMe Who can lift up their to Him..say IT IS YOU!! Worship our Awesome God!! Holy Holy is our God Almighty! (reblip)
AliveinMe grow close 2 Him-He 4gave us when He died 4 us-washing our sins away-amazing-don't get drawn down by all the evil in this world-free yourself 2 HIM (reblip)
AliveinMe Okay-who can't jam to this one? my daughter has loved it since I began to turn to Jesus-she was almost 2...too cute! Still does-she's almost 8! (reblip)
AliveinMe always a gripping song!! my daughter fell in love with it!! AMEN! (reblip)
newlifekitsap Matthew Ward sings "There is a Redeemer"...

Keith Green - There is a Redeemer

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newlifekitsap Do we ever slow down long enough to hear the Word of God speak?.... (reblip)
kurtwvs sez everyone needs 2 do it His way--all need compassion, forgiveness ( n gentle kindness!
kurtwvs likes this oldie from the 60's. Standing squeaky clean, burden-less, carefree, close to Him. LOVE IT!
kurtwvs must go there like a brave pioneer even if no one goes with. Any dead fish can float downstream..will go against the current if it's where He leads.
kurtwvs ..Another simple 60's lied. KvS is open ..2 truth, light, grace, and a living hope in Jesus Christ (the Bible One). So glad, PERIOD!

Honeytree - Doors And Windows

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kurtwvs make me a selfless but non-stupid servant, 'cause nothin' really inside me feels like bein' that. Macht mich dein treuer diener Herr.
kurtwvs sez there is indeed a time for P.O.D. Who was the most determined and paid it ..all 4U?

PODSet It Off

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kurtwvs ist no net fertig. Der Herr arbeitet auf mir noch und hat viel zu tun. @kurtwvs
kurtwvs sez ur not forgotten or unloved ( even if you totally feel like that.
AliveinMe Deuteronomy 6:5 AMEN!! Matthew 22:37 from Jesus! Love you all! God bless you all with HIS love!! (reblip)
AliveinMe Amen-today...and everyday-this one grabs each time-made my tears flow after I had huge seizure 1 month after my second brain surgery 4 epilepsy. (reblip)
AliveinMe so true we are made to love Him...we need to live it out...AMEN...He is so amazing! (reblip)
AliveinMe All about our is ALL about HIM! ;) (reblip)
kurtwvs wants someone 2 please save me from wrongly configuring things here so I'll stop messing up this puter.
newlifekitsap Contemporary Christian Music Roots: Petra "The Coloring Song"
newlifekitsap Contemporary Christian Music Roots: Chuck Girard "Sometimes Alleluia"
newlifekitsap Contemporary Christian Music Roots: Barry McGuire "Callin' me home"
newlifekitsap Contemporary Christian Music Roots: Matthew Ward "The Vineyard"
newlifekitsap Father, when I consider all You have done for me, to one so faithless and undeserving, Your Grace and undying Love leaves me....'Speechless"....
newlifekitsap With all the craziness that surrounds us and the constant worries that plague our thoughts, even in the midst of life's storms, there is a 'Shelter'
newlifekitsap "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel"...

Unashamed Love (Jason Morant)

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newlifekitsap "Need Help? Lift your eyes UP!"
newlifekitsap If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
kurtwvs like.. wants a whole new world ..not this lame tired world order they call new.
kurtwvs sez if it would bring a good rain ..I'd do a dance.. n until then I'll just land on my knees.
kurtwvs loves Community n You were there with me. People come along with me.

Third Day performs "Mountain of God"

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kurtwvs Rain, rain on my face. Downpour! Tryin' T B patient 4 rain n the fruit. (reblip)
kurtwvs ..Where are ya going ..really? Do U know 4 sure? What do you do with your sorrows? Got any lately? Who really knows you to help?

Mad World (Dead Poets Society)

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kurtwvs R U still on this side of the grass; on this side of forever? The cross becomes a real PLUS (-> + <-) 2 those who refuse 2 reject it (or Him on it).
silverfox863 Thanks @MarkVeda: "America The Beautiful! Ray Charles...Happy Memorial Day!" (reblip)
kurtwvs ..Pretty cool song: It's called, "Let Your Light Shine!" Hope you're OK. Got His light or just darkness oppressing you today? Hey, it's your choice.
kurtwvs ..It's time to get fixed all that's been broken for too long ..and let Him bring good outta all of the bad. Listen to Sanctus Real

sanctus real- whatever your doing

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newlifekitsap Ever write a "Dear God" letter?...
newlifekitsap Sandra McCracken & hubbie Derek Webb sing "Shelter"

Sandra McCracken "Shelter"

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newlifekitsap From the movie "Fireproof" Warren Barfield's "Love is not a Fight"

Love is not a Fight by Warren Barfield

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kurtwvs See King.. what more be said?
kurtwvs Need some hope? There's none other Name given among men.. the only Door Of Hope 4 U... (then
kurtwvs What are you bankin' on? Do you indeed hope for what you do not see? Just passin' through this locale.
kurtwvs This world's junk ain't worth sellin' out for even when there's so much glitter, glamor and bright lights involved. Let it fade away!
kurtwvs Can't get filled with U & all the good until I first B emptied..O less of me, more of You! Y die clingin 4 life 2 my old dead life?
newlifekitsap David Crowder Band - "O, for a 1000 Tongues to Sing!"
newlifekitsap "I'm holding onto You alone!"....
PastorTony @lentin: "Lord,I Want To Be Like Jesus" (reblip)

Fernando Ortega-Lord,I Want To Be Like Jesus(English Sub)

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PastorTony This song has been a very special meditation for me and serveral of my friends.

Give me Jesus

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PastorTony This is my song. I know exactly how LaCrae feels when he sings this song. He captures a feeling that many of us find ourselves in. I'm praying 4 U.

Lecrae (Praying For You)

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Lecrae ft. Trip Lee- Fall Back LYRICS

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newlifekitsap Where else can I go? Who else has the very words of Life?
kurtwvs :: I'm Dive In What A Magnificent Obsession! I'm in over my head. The river is deep, it's wide. There's life all around it's banks!
RamblinTunes Absolutely a ''classic'@GrizzlyGroundswell: "Another great standard by June Carter Cash" (reblip)
newlifekitsap Refiner's Fire

Brian Doerksen, Refiner's Fire

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newlifekitsap Hillsong United - "I will Love"
RamblinTunes He is the Good Shepherd!@plainstuff: "JMT (John Michael Talbot) - very mellow voice - this is probably one of his brightest sounding songs" (reblip)


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RamblinTunes There's a lot of truth in this song.@Alison_S: "one of the best.songs.ever." (reblip)
RamblinTunes Timeless message; "S l o w D o w n" @iStone: "Sometimes you just have to be still... "Slow Down" - CHUCK GIRARD" (reblip)
RamblinTunes Amazing Mercy ! Old things are passed away. All things are become new.@hetty4christ: "My very first song to cling to-new-becoming Christian- (reblip)
RamblinTunes He is Creator of all things!@nursewriter: "@hetty4christ "All of creation testifies, this life in me cries...I know my Redeemer lives!" Amen, sister." (reblip)
kurtwvs likes! MM played this song on the Letterman show (he needed 2 listen better). Know the One who can free you from the typical.

Mute MathTypical

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kurtwvs wants ta break down the walls with uncompromising selfless love (from another Source Who is better).

Emery- The Walls (EP)

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RamblinTunes O the deep, deep love of Jesus ! Spread his praise from shore to shore.
kurtwvs Sad that not too many have heard of em but Fold Zandura is sold out and rocks the roof off.

Fold ZanduraEmber

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kurtwvs Hear Fold Zandura,,. Please believe I never wanted 2 desert U.

Please Believe+Fold Zandura

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kurtwvs Heard MM wordless? This relationship ain't neva goin' obsolete.
kurtwvs loves hearin' Glen tell how he went down to the crossroads n fell down to his knees Mercy!!! Where does R&B get any better?

Glenn Kaiser Crossroads Live

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kurtwvs Let ur true Love come shinin' thru! So many ppl makin' excuses (the skin of a truth stuff w/ a lie) but when love is real who can stop the slow burn?
AliveinMe LOVE THIS VERY TRUE SONG!!! Such a HUGE AMEN...another one I listened to over and over Dec 2004-pre-2nd brain surgery testing. (reblip)
AliveinMe Come and Listen-Go and tell..what He has DONE...what HE STILL DOES-4 U, 4 Me...4 us all!! AMEN!! Amazing God! (reblip)
AliveinMe AMEN...HE IS SO ALIVE!!!! And more than came to fix our lives....we will never be the same when we accept Him..soak Him in our lives! (reblip)

Fire fall down

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AliveinMe This song made me bawl when it came out...and can be hard to listen to when you are waiting to have your baby come home-BUT HE IS AMAZING! (reblip)

Held by Natalie Grant

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kurtwvs Have ya heard Leeland? When the storm is raging all around me and it does once in a while..You are the peace that calms. I'm captured by this Love!
kurtwvs I'm divin' in! What a magnificent Obsession! I'm in over my head. The river is deep, it's wide. There's life all around it's banks! (reblip)
kurtwvs O the beauty of it! Simple freedom..simple trust..simple words face 2 face, that say exactly how much U mean 2 me. Not simplistic, not complicated!!!

Sidewalk Prophets "The Words I Would Say" w/ LYRICS

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kurtwvs is loosin' myself in You! Take control.. U can take my world..take the wheel. ... Such a beautiful surrender!!!
kurtwvs Aww none of us knew that check-out time would come so soon. Captain Crunch is ready 2 pack n wave farewell..B4 the bell. If the big1 finds U, Y hell?
kurtwvs He'd leave the 99 to find the lonely 1. Where B U? R U out doing reconnaissance work..or out on the lamb? U far away on your own? Stray His Way!
kurtwvs I am my own affliction! Gotta new nature n 1 day I'll b totally free from that old one in me. I've made a mess of me, wanna give back the rest of me!
kurtwvs likes this one "With every move..every breath I take" but ya gotta hear David Crowder's new CD, "Church Music"!
kurtwvs sings ..n really wanna knows how amazing this ..LOVE is!
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