notveruca Such a sweet, fairly unknown voice. Listen.

Just Like The Moon by Brett Dennen

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notveruca I just have to look at at least one video, a day, like this, for the fashion, and the hair.
notveruca @orbital1: "A napkin for the best cocktail, ever." Thank you. x. (reblip)
notveruca @aquaflush: "fyi - i am neither a hamster nor do i drive a kia soul" (reblip)
notveruca watch this movie. it's got this amazing few minutes of film of beck. it's hilarious... and all aboot me hometown. (reblip)


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notveruca Yes, you can talk down the price of anything... (reblip)
notveruca All Souls Night. The most holy of holidays, for my sons, and i. Here, one performs:
notveruca this is the only version i could find of this song. in one version, he references pablo naruda, a certain weariness, & thus birthed, in me a hunger.

Greg Brown ~ Canned Goods ~ Music in the Mn Zoo

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notveruca Oh, the bluest of moons...
notveruca This video gives me sooo much respect for Outkast.

OutKast-Hey Ya Official Video

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notveruca I was spoiled, living on the same street as these guys, & some other pretty amazing songsters, in my old adobe barrio. I could always hear practice.
notveruca WTF is wrong with you people??
notveruca ignore this video. it is rather horrifying, actually.
notveruca @aquaflush: "Texas - Fade Away" (reblip)

Fade Away [af]

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notveruca It's not a song, but, after you watch this video, noting, that Jeff is "quick, like a knife", look at:

Tweedy attacks Fan

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notveruca Please... Peace! (Did you know, that if you mistype, peace, it can become: Please... Peach!) I want that, too.

Ishmael Lo and Dobet Gnahore perform on Africa day 2008 JHB

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notveruca What sounds to be a percussion instrument, is really this woman's voice, speaking a dialect of her native land.

Miriam Makeba Tribute

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notveruca I used to kiss my boyfriend's stand up bass, right on the neck, when he was traveling. He's got years of luck, now, from that, tho, he'll never know.
notveruca And, then, the version that you should not listen to, if you break a bone, and are prescribed painkillers...
notveruca A lovely rendition of a sad, dark, amazing song, which describes seven months, of which, i've hidden in my deepest heart pocket, in a velvet bag.
notveruca diamond rings for every toe... dangling earrings for all your fingers, and big sparklin' rocks for your nose... such a pure offering of love. ~;.D
notveruca there's so much obscure ear candy, out there...
notveruca Listen to Creech Holler, for a different sound, from the same guitar. Love, in the real world.
notveruca someone i know, reached for the same vintage shirt as tom waits, in a thrift srore, once. tom graciously said he didn't really want it. true story.
notveruca I wish she had stayed this sweet.
notveruca A special place in my heart for Cake. Some may know why. Love.
notveruca This is a really good long road trip across Texas, in a '63 Buick Skylark convertible. I know this.
notveruca not bad, for a twelve year old. the crowd cheers, as billy hints, that he's not written much better, since...
notveruca "nobody knows where you are livin'... nobody knows where you are..." (reblip)
notveruca Wow! Ruben! Paint. Drink Coffee. Love. Am I blessed more than the whole world, with friends? I think so. Here, for you. My morning offering.
notveruca For WaYne Martin Belger. I miss SundaYs.
notveruca One of my all time favorite songs... ever... My good friend, Tom Walbank painted a painting with this theme, and it hung in my house for years. Love.

Tom Waits -- What's He Building In There?

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notveruca I figure, this is the last one, for tonight, and it's so late, that perhaps nobody will notice my sappiness. If you do notice... Shhh...
notveruca My second choice, featuring Garboski. And, THIS one, makes me miss my home town, where this video was made.

no hand hold

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notveruca I have fallen in love, deeply, for years, with words, delicately arranged, on lines, on shelves, in hearts, inside the wood, & reverberations, of... C
notveruca "if they gave degrees for cheatin' destiny..."
notveruca Such a haunting song, and one difficult to do beautifully.
notveruca Everyone should listen to this song. Someone asked my little son, if he was a christian. He said he loves god and jesus, but he ain't no "christian".
notveruca "loves like a hurricane... i am a tree..."
notveruca A very good suggestion, from Jeremy. Travel well, friend.
notveruca Garboski... Featuring Jericho, formerly from Chango Malo. From the city with the most artists & musicians per capita, in the USA... Tucson, Arizona.

little boxes

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notveruca Week of training, begins today. Week without free access to the net, my music, my writing... This... Death... Same thing? Maybe... ~;.D
notveruca If i get any calls, because of this blip, i'm deleting you off my phone list, due to your lack of sense of humor. I'm serious.
notveruca whatever will be, will be.
notveruca Goodnight, Sweet Potatoes... Curl, and sleep, and dream butter and cream dreams.
notveruca As our Christmas shopping season gets well underway...
notveruca David Eugene Edwards... The only man on earth, who has rendered me completely wordless, on sight.
notveruca So lovely, alone, Sam Beam, or with Calexico.
notveruca who ever you are, and where ever you are...
notveruca Another song that i choose to believe was written about me... except, i'm not a boy, and i don't play guitar... Oh, anyway, i DO love Lyle.
notveruca christmas always will remind me of that amazing, tragic, old piano, mo chuisle... that howe told me, didn't trap you as much as it set me free...
notveruca It's like that old car, that you sold in college, or that one guitar, that you can never match the sound, or that woman... that woman... ~Howe Gelb~
notveruca phonograph scratches all along my back... yeah, baby... heaven.
notveruca We could fight in haiku, the rest of our lives, but we were more than seventeen syllables...
notveruca the views represented here, do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of blip fm.
notveruca "the best roads lead out of town..."
notveruca A really good driving to nowhere song.
notveruca words... endlessly, i fall into love, with words...

Lyle LovettBears

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notveruca "Tried to run, but I couldn't move. I paid for these concrete shoes."
notveruca Oh, how i love this goddess, forgetting the words, for a moment.
notveruca "Someone shoulda' told her that pretty ain't a job..." (reblip)
notveruca "You look good by siren light."
notveruca It's very simple, really... I blew the white, off a dandelion, last night.
notveruca I may not love this song as i think i do, but, it's backed up, by thunder, right now, and in Chicago, that's one of the best sounds i've found. Love.
notveruca As much as i like blackbirds, i also like mynabirds.
notveruca ahh... a way to say the things i have to say in my job, all not jobby~like.
notveruca Hello, Leetle One. This is your song. I love you. Shave your head. Drink your coffee. Skate your board. Remember your heart. Love your life. C.
notveruca And, now, for something a little unexpected from a chicken holding woman...
notveruca laying in the sun, on the grass, when no one bothers you with any sound you don't want to hear, music...
notveruca All the answers we've been looking for, are here.
notveruca You said, once, that my name means hope... And I believed you, love...

Esperanza Spaulding

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notveruca And, the ghost of Dr. Goat asked, appearing to his friend, alive, as hummingbird... "How do like what i chose to wear?"
notveruca Oh, my life, these days... I'm so far away, on thanksgiving, in this crowne plaza, sharing a room with my laptop...
notveruca I do wish you two... of everything beautiful... reminds me of you...
notveruca I've never been called a howlie.


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notveruca i like, mightily, the thought of miniature tigers... wearing bullfighter jackets...
notveruca when you are a taller children, sometimes you have little match stick legs. sometimes, that's o.k. if you are a taller children.
notveruca Oh, and the Mexican Food Restaurant to look for, is Habaneros.
notveruca Brand new, not a straight cut bluesy Keys.
notveruca i don't really celebrate thanksgiving, in the traditional sense...
notveruca "fly through my dreams, so i can hitch a ride with you, tonight..." davie and i laughed about you, last night, pike, but i'm sure you saw that.

Yellowcard- View From Heaven (lyrics)

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notveruca No home is complete, without a retro phonograph. May we never lose that "record" sound...
notveruca Another, with that magickal whisper...
notveruca A very favorite thing, is to watch the faces, of young dancers, watching The Nicholas Brothers, for the first time... & the second... & so on...
notveruca A pretty wonderful surprise, that i almost passed by, because of it's "cover" label.
notveruca When in Austin, find a band called, Tump. Amazing, musically, and they will have you listen to great music, while finding the Mexican Restaurant.

The Black Keys- She's Long Gone

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notveruca They are so pale so young, and so gentlemenly. They surely deserve two tunes.
notveruca And, again... I've also held a tiny parrot on my head... "I've got it bad for a stick legged girl."
notveruca unlikely, that he'll say he's sorry. unhealthy, for me to wait around for it.


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notveruca "I've come to know the shipwrecks where he wished..." Man, just ALL the words, here... Amazing!
notveruca I've decided to look every soldier, that i see, in the eye, and thank them. No matter what i think of politics, our so called leaders, or the war...
notveruca @orbital1: You, my friend, are a weirdo. I needed this, today, as someone dropped a can of pale blue paint, all on my vintage coat, & walked away. x. (reblip)
notveruca Now, this one, you might EXPECT from a woman who holds a chicken, like it's a beloved pet, named, Chico...
notveruca Have you ever just walked for miles, quietly, finding treasures that others have dropped? This in your earbuds, makes wonderous things simply appear.
notveruca I heard this song, and stood up. Walked out of an empty job, where i made an ungodly amount of money. I never looked back.
notveruca What makes a poor baby older than a rich one?
notveruca If anyone even knows who this is... I don't know if i will be in awe of, or fear you.
notveruca This, with the ageless and beautiful Isobel Campbell.
notveruca Daniel used to spend days in my kitchen, filled with friends. If you ever find the song, Cake... He writ it for those times.

Daniel Jacobs: Achilles

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notveruca So lovely... Perry... Also, not on People's Sexiest Man Alive mag cover, much to their detriment.
notveruca If anyone knows the video version, with Flea, and Dave Navarro, where they all move through the crowd, to the stage, message me. It's my alltime fav.
notveruca I don't know my future, after this weekend...
notveruca Gorgeous. A voice, that i would let smoke, in the kitchen, at the table, in the night...

Daughters of the SoHo Riots by THE NATIONAL

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notveruca Mike Mangione. This man wrapped my heart up, inside his words, for an entire summer, once. If this is a cover, it's a good one.
notveruca Baby, it's me. Not you... I lived inside Mike Mangione's words, for a whole summer, one day, long ago.
notveruca I've known some very obsessed folks, who spoke of this man. When i entered the room, i was convinced, sitting motionless, for the rest of the night.
notveruca There was a tiny parrot, once, named Finch. She was quiet, during this song, always, head tilted, not trying to cause trouble, for it's duration.
notveruca Solar Culture find. Much love.
notveruca For M. I fell so surprise in love with you, in the pool, in the dark, before i ever saw you, at that party for the architect. Always, just for now.
notveruca This, for Zu mi, and her tiny new love, Shintaro.

The BooksTokyo

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notveruca The Belles never treat you like a fan. They have the grace to treat everyone, as if they'd known them a million years, and like them.
notveruca I truly love Henry. He's so sensitive.

Rollins BandLiar

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notveruca Wow. I never tire of hearing the farthest reaches of Sam Beam.
notveruca i love long goodbyes, that never ever end, but just spin around, to become a hello, again... always, just for now. ~Cake MacKinnon~
notveruca i just can't help myself. Nine is the most perfect number.

Tech N9ne- Slacker

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notveruca Oh, I so know this man's delimer. And, the answer is NOT an entire pint of coffee ice cream.
notveruca Make sure you listen to Miss Emmylou's version, someday, too.
notveruca No words for how this song makes my heart limp, from memories of wounds, long thought healed.
notveruca boy's been snortin' that frog powder...
notveruca i like anybody who whistles, in a song.

Eels - I Like Birds

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notveruca This is a very rough, and gypsy wagon beautiful version of this song. Here's to Old World Circus, travelers, pikeys and carnival girls.
notveruca And, now, for the shinier, still magickal version.
notveruca Oh, Nina... remixed...
notveruca And, just as what mouse is not modest... What sex is not on fire, or at least smoldering?
PlainWhiteTs Next song off De'Mar's playlist: Arcade Fire – City With No Children
notveruca Yeah, there was all the new stuff, but this is the 1st Juan Cash song I ever heard. My son still flips me off, in honor, of the man in black.
notveruca A rare rare animal, called Hank Topless. Man, even if you're dying, go see this man, if you ever can. No matter what name he's using, at the time.

Hank Topless: "Dogweed Blues"

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notveruca I asked my son, once, would you rather a girl be pretty, or sing good? It's the same thing, he answered, at seven. Age, not O'clock.

Joan Armatrading: Love And Affection (02/15/1979)

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notveruca You are my sweetest downfall... these words... so sweeet... little honey bee...
notveruca yep. i'm willing to take whatever you think of eddy vedder. watch into the wild. i'm willing to take whatever you think of that, too. much love.

Eddie Vedder---Hard Sun

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notveruca And, guys... for you romantics out there... It's super easy, to change brown, to green, here... Just sayin'...
notveruca I have a massive crush on this guy's eyebrow raises, and preacher like stance.

Buffalo Roam "Yup Yes Yeah"

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notveruca As a vegetarian, i rarely can justify the cool, smooth feeling of a boa, on my skin, but, i do go barefoot...

Salma Hayek Dusk Till Dawn After Dark

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notveruca Always, just for now... It's how i sign off most letters...
notveruca One rainy night, in an old airstream, by the railroad tracks, one black and white photo, one smile, one bottle of wine... and only a computer, now...
notveruca love it. hate it. love it. love.
notveruca It's not really a prism, i guess, just kinda' broke in a funny way... Our souls, exactly, when amazing...
notveruca i especially love this video... i got my boobies...
notveruca She's amazing, using a violin in a much different way, than most.
notveruca warning: thar's some cussin' in this here song... and some uther vary oefinsive thangs, too.
notveruca not to be confused with shortpigs.


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notveruca I really love this hipster fantasy video.
notveruca What a beautiful wreck.
notveruca His head in my lap. My hands on his head. Both crying, and drained. We thought we could fix it, still. We couldn't. You just can't drink poison.
notveruca Former front man for Old Blind Dogs. One camazing voice. Saw him, in a church, in the mountains, believe it or not, with aboot 30 relly old folks.

Jim Malcolm: Fields of Angus

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notveruca gorgeous footage. we might survive, as brothers, here, or die as fools.

"Braided Hair" music video from 1 Giant Leap

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notveruca It's really fun to just start dancing like this, in the grocery store. Especially if you have a partner. Alone, is just not as good.
notveruca Still doing amazing things. But, i so love the old U2.
notveruca Also, for the notorious Matt Brown.
notveruca I have found, that once i set down my defenses, i really like Dolly.
notveruca Hello, Whipple...

have a nice day

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notveruca Such a beautiful and impossible thought... That any musician could make it through, to the end, with his lover.
notveruca I've decided, that i'm going to start wearing my hair like this, at work.
notveruca i just couldn't help finishing up, tonight, with one more big haired country diva. She's so pure and sweet, though...

Susan Raye LA International Airport

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notveruca Always, for Pike. R.I.P. I know the pearly gates must have such eloquent graffiti, with you there...
notveruca This is one of THE MOST amazing videos, i've ever seen, based on William Blake's poem.

♫♫National Ransom : Elvis Costello♫♫

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notveruca very good smooth bubble bath, no talking, sweet, quiet house music.

Ry CooderSanctuary

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notveruca and, he said... "neither do i condemn you..."
notveruca She reminds me so much, of some of the lovely young ladies, that i've been blessed to know. Aurelia... Heather... Sasha... Elizabeth Rose...
notveruca I don't know who this is, but this haunted, eerie song, is so beautiful, if done well, it doesn't matter... "With one star awake..."

He Moved Through The Fair

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notveruca this song banishes all bad, in your day.


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notveruca i left kentucky...

Johnny Cash - One Piece At A Time

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notveruca i'm ashamed to say, that this actual concert was my son's introduction to bob log. i'm proud to say, that to date, he's seen much & many worse things.
notveruca I've actually seen bob log lll, unmasked. He bought quite a lot, at a yard sale, i had, one day. I don't know what that says aboot me belongings.
notveruca They're green.

Love and Rockets-So Alive

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notveruca One of the most beautiful of all time, songs.
notveruca i saw these guys in a tiny club, here in chitown, just the other night. still as amazing as they've always been. i actually got slim to laugh.
notveruca idols and icons, for me, make up this now, defunct band.
notveruca I would happily leave an ashtray, beside the shower for this voice... If you 'get' that, you've loved, madly a man with darkness inside his chords.
notveruca They say, that if you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans. I've made god laugh, often. ~Cake MacKinnon~
notveruca Saaweeeet Little Video, too.

Brian Jonestown Massacre Detka! Detka! Detka! animation

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notveruca i have realized, recently, that Pixies, are one of the only bands you can listen to, with a full on double ear infection, and still love them. Bravo!


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notveruca for the "caribou trio".


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notveruca manu always reminds me of my days, spent with carnivals, parades and circuses... viva, flam chen. viva manu chao.
notveruca Don't think i even need words for this. She about says it all.
notveruca There is so much damn talent, on this stage, I'm surprised it didn't just explode. Chris Black, Vicki Brown, A Rosano, J Clay Koweek... Latcho Drom.
notveruca Much dancing, here. Reliquaries of heart. Viva Cuba!
notveruca Someday, i imagine, i will return to this life. Sitting outside, on Thanksgiving, drinking watermelon juice, in shorts & everybody gets a banjo.
notveruca this is kinda' more than perfect.
notveruca I got my first "free hug" here. Me friend ran across the square & body hugged her volunteer. I chose a long, full, rocking hug, from three peeps.
notveruca As much as i've lived in this culture, and love it, i cannot bachata. ever... or salsa...

salsa abaniquito, tito puentes

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notveruca My son just shaved his dreads off. I heard that they weighed more than five pounds.
notveruca This is for one of the best fu@#ing writers I've ever known, in my life, and I've known more than a few. Jim, that old attic and me, miss you. Love.
notveruca try to ignore the video. it's the best i could do, unfortunately, to pass this song along.
notveruca Yo, all yu homeboys, out inda' bronx, dhis one's for yu!
DJRosaNava Lá fora a paisagem da praia de Santos e 32 graus, sem uma brisa! Coisa boa é não estar chovendo... @rsmac (reblip)
RuesTunes because is everything (reblip)
neilvalla I'll fix your feet til you cant walk I'll lock your jaw til you cant talk I'll close your eyes so you can't see

O (Oh) Death By Ralph Stanley Song Music

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neilvalla @moderntimes: "thx for the find! glad you liked it theres a free download on there website (reblip)
aquaflush i don't care about's for us
neilvalla @MyCosmicRebellion: its a long time since I drank champagne (reblip)
drfeelgood2403 Datarock – Catcher in the Rye
pratinsky Olà Anita E :)) @FernandaW: "@CoolJohnny, "tiengo chocolate quiente ,tequila..."" (reblip)
zamfir Slaid Cleaves – Lydia
zamfir The Cure – Never Enough
reverberations A bunch of art students get together to form a band, they produce the single most amazing album ever, then they suddenly disband without explanation.
LadyFox Yum ;-) ->rb@jmb_ink: "Lenny Kravitz- You're My Flavor" (reblip)

Lenny Kravitz " You're My Flavor " SUBTITLED (Traducido Español)

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sir_edward_ross RB @1jamieregier: "Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover (reblip)

Leonard Cohen-Lover Lover Lover (original)

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pike360 Doves – There Goes The Fear
pike360 Throw Me The Statue – Lolita
Stay19 <><>

From West Texas (Explosions in the Sky)

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Will_the_bloke Girls – Broken Dreams Club
pike360 The Mountain Goats – Damn These Vampires
drfeelgood2403 Depeche Mode – "Personal Jesus" (Alex Metric Mix)
pike360 Iris DeMent – Wasteland of the Free
neilvalla So buy a pretty dress And wear it out tonight
zamfir Air – All I Need

AirAll I Need

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Will_the_bloke The New Pornographers – Jackie, Dressed in Cobras .. thanks, hiyas @ABoyNamedSue @S4W2E0D
Will_the_bloke Adam Ant – Room At The Top ... especially after we fire all the elected reps .. right @nemesisurchin ? :)
drfeelgood2403 hullo wj, happy friday :)@wejazz: "Delorean – Seasun" (reblip)


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drfeelgood2403 yes thx! hope u feelgood as well! @EveTheOne: "Feeling good? rb@drfeelgood2403: "Yuck – Georgia"" (reblip)


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pike360 Cowboy Junkies – Cause Cheap Is How Feel
DJRosaNava Yes my baby left me, never said a word. Was it something I done, something that she heard?

"Polonaise" 2046 Original Soundtrack by Shigeru Umebayashi

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drfeelgood2403 Later peeps...hearts of love 2Uall...
pike360 The Horrors – Sea Within a Sea
pike360 Feist - Brandy Alexander
growitall tyrb @opruimfee: "rb@ViolettaVox: "Nancy Sinatra - Day Tripper"" (reblip)

Nancy Sinatra-Day Tripper

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Jesus Stole My Girlfriend by Violent Soho **OLD VERSION**

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Static It really doesn't matter where you put your vote 'cause someone else will come along and move it, and it's always been the same.

XTC Complicated Game

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Versh ╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤ ████████████████████████████████████ ╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧ ████████████████████████████████████

SLICKVILLE Race with the devil 2011

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