paulasilva Simplesmente porque sim

BachCanon in D

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paulasilva Adoro o filme, simplesmente!
paulasilva Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds.
paulasilva Paixão é Paixão! Pelo filme claro. Nao resisti
paulasilva Existem manhas dificeis!

08 Arabian Amro Diab habibi ya nour al ain

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paulasilva que sossego! Futebol em cheio!
paulasilva Ao contrario de toda a gente, voto no Fozzy!
paulasilva Customers answers from UK; ES; FR; GER; NL; SE: projects are not dead but dying! So I Feel like...

(11) Annie Lennox Walking on Broken Glass

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paulasilva De volta! Espero que o sol venha para ficar. Aqui neste lugar quase quase á beira mar tenho uma janela amarela, esplendida, brilhante e quente!
paulasilva a proposito! Está quase a começar!


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paulasilva Portuguese band. Enjoy!

Hands On Approach - Lets be in love

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paulasilva Bom Dia!

james brown - i feel good

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paulasilva Ora muito bom dia!

Shakira Estoy Aqui

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paulasilva Um gajo quer dar-se, mas elas teimam em não querer! Que chatice!
ptneves Lost in the sun, can anybody find their home


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paulasilva Only hear you voice Ringing through the noise
paulasilva I didn't hear you leave And I don't want to move a thing
paulasilva I never stray too far from the sidewalk
paulasilva You drove me, nearly drove me,
paulasilva Si aun piensas algo en mi Sabes que sigo esperandote


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paulasilva Porque si miro al cielo yo siento que serás inolvidable para mi.
paulasilva I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
paulasilva What a difference a day made And the difference is you, is you


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paulasilva Did I scare you away? What can I do to make you stay?
paulasilva i can't breathe until you' re resting here with me
ptneves Step one you say we need to talk

Blue Moon-Platters

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paulasilva ...........delightful........
ptneves The smell of your skin lingers on me now
ptneves There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday
ptneves Hey you, don't watch that Watch this!
ptneves I smile when I’m angry. I cheat and I lie. I do what I have to do to get by.
ptneves Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

The CarsDrive

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ptneves WALL·E (Best Animated Feature Film of the Year) Soundtrack
ptneves Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role) Soundtrack
ptneves Some people think they're always right, others are quiet and uptight, others they seem so very nice
ptneves Just sing. Life is no cabaret, we'd don't care what you say, we're inviting you anyway
ptneves Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings. Fly high and proud. And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all (reblip)
ptneves The look of love is in your eyes. A look your smile can't disguise
paulasilva Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca.
paulasilva Na vida só resta seguir Um risco, um passo, um gesto rio afora
paulasilva Penso que cumprir a vida seja simplesmente Compreender a marcha e ir tocando em frente..
paulasilva Sem lhe conhecer Senti uma vontade louca De querer voce Nem sempre se entende As loucuras de uma paixao
paulasilva A noite que ele não veio foi foi de tristeza para mim saveiro voltou sozinho triste noite foi para mim
paulasilva Voce deve acreditar no que eu digo, Pode ir fundo, isso é que é viver.
paulasilva Vem, me dê a mão, a gente agora já não tinha medo No tempo da maldade acho que a gente nem tinha nascido
paulasilva en silencio los dos no paramos de hablar yo me empiezo a vesitr, tu a desabrochar siempre, siempre


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ptneves Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?) I really wanna know
ptneves Nadie como tú, no quiero equivocarme, pero no ha habido nadie, donde encontrar más luz...
ptneves Yo soy quién espía los juegos de los niños, si te despistas, estaré en tu bolsillo.
ptneves La vida ya no es vida en la ciudad, llegó la hora de cambiar asfalto por mar, cansado de vivir en una jaula como un animal. Vamonos!!

Los rebeldes - Mediterraneo

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paulasilva E di chi sarà il coraggio allora se non sarà il mio; se si spegne quella luce resto io; di chi è la più profonda decisione
ptneves Well, don't you worry 'bout what's been on my mind I'm in no hurry I can take my time
paulasilva Imparando a riconoscere così, un’ insolita emozione da un normale batticuore
ptneves If you see me walking down the streets, and I start to cry each time we meet, walk on by
paulasilva Se guardo il cielo ; Io sento che sarai ; Incancellabile
ptneves Oh! Don't lean on me man, cause you can't afford the ticket
paulasilva Non ho bisogno più di niente ; Adesso che ; Mi illumini d'amore immenso fuori e dentro
ptneves Catholic girls. Do you know how they go?
ptneves If you start me up I'll never stop
paulasilva Tus ojos, el abismo donde muere mi razón.
paulasilva no debia de quererte y sin embargo te quiero. Te quiero.
paulasilva y caminar cerca del mar amarradita siempre a tu cintura por mucho que te entren las dudas de si eres tu el que me hace tan feliz

Amaia Montero Quiero ser (completa)

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paulasilva Yo te quiero regalar palabras
ptneves "Come in" she said "I'll give you shelter from the storm" (reblip)
ptneves Don't speak.I know just what you're saying, so please stop explaining. Don't tell me cause it hurts. (reblip)
ptneves Running back through the fire, when there's nothing left to save. It's like chasing the very last train when it's too late
ptneves There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch
paulasilva and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be, Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
paulasilva As he goes left and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame You begin to wonder why you came
paulasilva Amar é um deserto e seus temores


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paulasilva You've made my life so glamorous You can't blame me for feeling amorous
ptneves Je n'ai qu'une philosophie: Être acceptée comme je suis
ptneves But behind the Chalet my holiday's complete, and I feel like William Tell, Maid Marian on her tiptoed feet, pulling mussels from a shell (reblip)
ptneves Never made it as a wise man I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin' Tired of livin' like a blind man I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin
ptneves I was always thinking of games that I was playing. Trying to make the best of my time. But only love can break your heart.
paulasilva Get outta my dreams Get in to my car Get outta my dream Get in to the back seat baby ;)
paulasilva I did not come to steal This all is so unreal Can't you show me how you feel Come on, come talk to me
paulasilva Dont give up Youre not beaten yet Dont give up I know you can make it good
paulasilva I'm burning through the skies Yeah! Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
paulasilva If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
paulasilva it is written on the wind thats everywhere I go so if you really love me come on and let it show
paulasilva Nessa estrada não nos cabe conhecer ou ver o que virá O fim dela ninguém sabe bem ao certo onde vai dar
paulasilva is this love at first sight; Please don't make it wrong, just stay for the night ;all I wanna do is make love to you Say you will you want me too
paulasilva :) Cuentame que te paso Cuentame que te paso :) :) :)
ptneves Me and Mrs.Jones we got a thing goin'on
paulasilva listen to what i say in your life expect some trouble when you worry you make it double dont worry be happy


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ptneves I cheated myself, like I knew I would. I told ya, I was trouble. You know that I'm no good
paulasilva Quando a chuva passar Quando o tempo abrir Abra a janela E veja: Eu sou o Sol... Eu sou céu e mar Eu sou seu e fim E o meu amor é imensidão..
ptneves No teu poema, existe um verso em branco e sem medida, um corpo que respira, um céu aberto; Janela debruçada para a vida


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paulasilva Birds do it, bees do it Even educated fleas do it Let's do it, let's fall in love
ptneves Con un canalla como yo y un corazon en paro bastaría? (reblip)
paulasilva Whats the sense of trying hard to find your dreams Without someone to share it with Tell me what does it mean?
paulasilva Take my love, I'll never ask for too much, Just all that you are And everything that you do.
ptneves No sabía que la primavera duraba un segundo, yo quería escribir la canción más hermosa del mundo.
ptneves Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion
paulasilva Busco la direccin que no pude encontrar Y me abandono a ti A una paz estable en mi Que esta repleta de quietud Youll always be a part of me
ptneves You might know of the original sin and you might know how to play with fire
ptneves The world was moving she was right there with it and she was
paulasilva Redécouvrir ma voix En être encore capable Devenir quelquefois Un rêve insaisissable
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite :-)
paulasilva Há momentos lindos.O teclado, a janela que se abre pela força da alma nas pontinhas dos dedos como sopros que saem em vagas de pirilampos.Até amanh
ptneves Potenza della lirica, dove ogni dramma è un falso che con un pó di trucco e con la mimica puoi diventare un altro
paulasilva I can't give you anything but love, baby That's the one thing I've got plenty of, baby
paulasilva Let me stay in your arms, I'm addicted to your charms You're getting to be a habit with me
ptneves Call me irresponsible. Call me unreliable. Throw in undependable, too

Michael Bublé - Call Me Irresponsible

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ptneves Via via… Vieni via con me. Niente più ti lega a questi luoghi

Paolo Conte It s Wonderful

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paulasilva Je ne connais pas tous les secrets de ton coeur Mais je viens quand même Tu vis quelque part entre douleur et douceur Je te suis quand même.
ptneves 'cause it's oh, so peaceful here. There's no one bending over my shoulder. Nobody breathing in my ear Oh, so peaceful here

Helen Reddy - Peaceful

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ptneves Sous le ciel de Paris s'envole une chanson Hum Hum
ptneves Je ne sais pas pourquoi je reste dans une mer où je me noie
ptneves Je n'avais pas vu que tu portais des chaînes. À trop vouloir te regarder, j'en oubliais les miennes
paulasilva Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien Car Ma Vie, Car Me Joies Aujourd`hui Ca Commence Avec Toi
ptneves J’ai demandé à la lune et le soleil ne le sait pas. Je lui ai montré mes brûlures et la lune s’est moquée de moi
ptneves Nous prendrons le temps de vivre
paulasilva Il joue avec mon coeur Il triche avec ma vie Il dit des mots menteurs Et moi je crois tout c'qu'il dit Les chansons qu'il me chante
paulasilva C'était dit, je sais : ton coeur est pris, et Retiens-moi Même si c'est ainsi.
ptneves Avec le temps... avec le temps, va, tout s'en va, on oublie le visage et l'on oublie la voix

Leo Ferre - Avec le temps.MP3

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ptneves Que reste-t-il de nos amours? Que reste-t-il de ces beaux jours? Une photo, vieille photo de ma jeunesse
ptneves Et je ne sais plus à quoi penser, c'est dur d'être libre comme toi
paulasilva Laisse-moi t'aimer toute une nuit Laisse-moi toute une nuit
paulasilva Regarde-moi je suis surtout amoureuse Reviens-moi on va tout recommencer Tous les deux c'est un roman inachevé
ptneves C'est un beau roman, c'est une belle histoire, c'est une romance d'aujourd'hui


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ptneves Je m'suis fait tout p'tit devant un' poupée, qui ferm' les yeux quand on la couche
paulasilva Les grands amours n'ont plus d'adresse Quand l'un s'en va et l'autre reste
paulasilva Tu viendras longtemps marcher dans mes rêves Tu viendras toujours du côté où le soleil se lève
paulasilva D'une lumière dans le soir D'une chambre anonyme Je me souviens d'amour
paulasilva L'amour se raconte en musique On a toute la nuit pour s'aimer
paulasilva Fill my heart with gladness Take away all my sadness Ease my troubles thats what you do
paulasilva Now that I have found you In the coolth of your evening smile
ptneves Every day I write the list of reasons why I still believe they do exist (a thousand beautiful things) (reblip)
ptneves Oh please... don't reveal who we are. Can we wonder at the mystery so far?
ptneves You suck my blood like a leech you break the law and you preach
ptneves Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear (reblip)


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paulasilva ;) I just want your extra time and your...kiss! Time out!


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ptneves Mama said,"Idle hands are Devil's handywork"
paulasilva Dont go wasting your emotion; Lay all your love on me; Dont go sharing your devotion; Lay all your love on me
paulasilva love me or leave me; make your choice; but believe me....I di, I do; Ido ( yes I will do ) :)
ptneves My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize
paulasilva Ooo, baby I love your way, everyday I wanna tell you I love your way, everyday I wanna be with you night and day
paulasilva As a river flows; Gently to the sea; Darling so it goes; Some things are meant to be
ptneves This, is our fork in the road. Love's last episode. There's nowhere to go, oh no
paulasilva I don't know what I'm to say ; I'll say it anyway

A-HaTake On Me

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ptneves Take your time... dont live too fast, troubles will come and they will pass.
ptneves Oooh Bittersweet (When it's you and me)Bittersweet (Does it have to be?)
paulasilva I'm sticking to my guy, Like a stamp to a letter ;)
paulasilva We have our highs and lows Just like everybody else Doesn't mean that we walk away
paulasilva always took pride in my selfcontrol;To my heart only I had the key;But something's gone wrong with my radar screen
paulasilva It Makes no difference where I turn, I Can't get over you and the flame still burns. It Makes no difference, night or day,
paulasilva Dont let it be too late Theres a time when words are good And they just get in the way
paulasilva Parto rumo à Primavera Que em meu fundo se escondeu Esqueco tudo do que eu sou capaz Hoje o mar sou eu
paulasilva I make no protest (And you say) you will do the rest
paulasilva I reserve the right for once in my life To lay down in a field of grass I'll be still and quiet Just count the stars
paulasilva I'm holding on your rope, Got me ten feet off the ground I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
paulasilva Every time I think of you I always catch my breath And Im still standing here And youre miles away
paulasilva Wont you ever set me free? This waitin rounds killin me
paulasilva I'm the baddest girl you know. Just dial trouble, i'll say "hello"

I'm the Toughest Girl Alive

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paulasilva All you gotta do is say yes Don't deny what you feel let me undress you baby

FloetrySay Yes

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paulasilva I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you
paulasilva Du ser på mig, älskling Och undrar vart jag var igår Men se på mig, älskling Ingen av oss ska säga något Förlåt mig


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paulasilva Make your mistakes on your own time;When you come down you're just no good to have around
paulasilva And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love My heart has given up Can't be here
pierregrimm I need to be myself, I can't be no one else ... although sometimes I wish I could
paulasilva Baby, why dont you spend An evening of love with me?


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paulasilva I miss you like crazy, ever since you went away; Every hour of every day, I miss you like crazy,Just touch me were there again

Miss You Like Crazy - Natalie Cole

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paulasilva Unforgettable, thats what you are;Unforgettable, though near or far;Like a song of love that clings to me;How the thought of you does things to me
paulasilva :) a "teimosia" vai dando frutos ( assim misturados e coisa e tal ) mas vão aparecendo @ptneves :)
LEM_40 "Something always brings me back to you..."
LEM_40 @iridescentsun Been looking for this song! RB. Thank you. (reblip)
ptneves tu mordiste la manzana y renunciaste al paraiso

Pies Descalzos, Sueños Blancos

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ptneves Era tudo quando ela me dizia "bem vindo a casa" numa voz bem calma
ptneves Bonsoir, ton vehicule n'a pas l`air d`avoir de passager. Peux-tu: Veux tu me recevoir, sans trop te deranger?
ptneves You're not your job.You're not how much money you have in the bank.You're not the car you drive.(
ptneves Clouds are stalking islands in the sun I wish I could buy one out of season
ptneves I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it
ptneves Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving me everything inside and out and
ptneves Give me time To realise my crime Let me love and steal I have danced inside your eyes How can I be real
ptneves Im pickin up good vibrations
ptneves The multiple offender should learn from his mistakes
ptneves If it’s true looks could kill and you will be the first to make me mad
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite :-)


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ptneves ¿Qué cantan los poetas andaluces de ahora?
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite :-)
ptneves Winner of four Oscars in 1983 including best picture and music score

Chariots Of Fire - Main Theme

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ptneves She said, 'There is no reason and the truth is plain to see.'
ptneves These landslides and buildings too high / That blocks the sun everyone / Oh the law lives everywhere / And it lives without a care
ptneves funny when the bottom drops how she forgets to fight... to fight
ptneves C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble.
ptneves Jean-Luc Ponty - Renaissance

Jean-Luc Ponty - Renaissance

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ptneves J'aurai ta peau tu périras
ptneves Rêver un impossible rêve
ptneves Je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans ne peuvent pas connaître
ptneves Et quand je serai mort J'veux un suaire de chez Dior!
ptneves Blackbird singing in the dead of night
ptneves Everyday I love you more
ptneves The devil opened up his case and he said: "I'll start this show."
ptneves I've been so many places in my life and time
ptneves You're not your job.You're not how much money you have in the bank.You're not the car you drive.( (reblip)
ptneves So far away; Doesn't anybody stay in one place any more?
ptneves Here she comes, you better watch your step
ptneves Monsieur le PrésidentJe vous fais une lettre, que vous lirez peut-être, si vous avez le temps
ptneves This never happened before. Now i see this is the way it's supposed to be
ptneves Escucha bien, mi viejo amigo, no sé si recordarás aquellos tiempos ahora perdidos bajo las calles de esta ciudad.
ptneves entre el cielo y el suelo hay algo con tendencia a quedarse calvo
ptneves hay que ser un tonto para recordar
ptneves Querer / Dentro del corazon / Sin pudor, sin razon / Con el fuego de la pasion
ptneves Echo in the night, I found the light. Emmanuelle.

Fausto Papetti - Emmanuelle

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ptneves Amazing and passionate tango from a genius. (reblip)
ptneves Maybe I didn't treat you quite as good as I should have

Ennio Morricone - Cinema Paradiso

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ptneves And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times.It's you, it's you, You make me sing.You're every line, you're every word, you're everything
ptneves Yo quiero ser una chica Almodovar, como Bibi, como Miguel Bosé, pasar de todo y no pasar de moda, bailar contigo el ultimo cuplé
ptneves Lines on my face, while I laugh lest I cry
ptneves Je suis un débutant aux tempes qui blanchissent
ptneves Whenever I get to feeling down and out I think about what you said
ptneves I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite...
ptneves Pour un peu de tendresse je donn'rais les diamants, que le diable caresse dans mes coffres d'argent
ptneves I got a bottle for a trumpet and a hatbox for a drum
ptneves Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings of the bluebird as she sleeps, the six o'clock alarm would never ring
ptneves It Makes no difference where I turn. I Can't get over you and the flame still burns. It Makes no difference, night or day. (reblip)
ptneves When I hold you in my arms (Ooooooooohhh, oh yeah!) And when I feel my finger on your trigger I know nobody can do me no harm

Happiness is a Warm Gun

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ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite :-)
ptneves Bed's too big without you. Cold wind blows right through my open door. I can't sleep with your memory
ptneves So I go sailing round the room. Through my window, cross the silver moon, no flesh and bone to hold me I'll finally set my soul free
ptneves Can you read my mind? Do you know what it is you do to me?
ptneves @T_DeBarros Swinging in the southern breeze strange fruit hangin from the poplar trees [ Lilac Wine's a strange one :-) ]
ptneves Mujer te canto este himno, traigo la pura verdad incierto y crudo destino, mi canto contigo está


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ptneves I just like the things you do mmm, don't you change the things you do mmm.

slade - Coz I Luv You

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ptneves Gota lazy mind, a lazy eye, a lazy lazy bod. Hard men, hard Lives, hard keepin it all inside. Good times, good God! I'm so Lazy I almost stop
ptneves I, I live among the creatures of the night I haven't got the will to try and fight
ptneves My desire is always to be here :-)
ptneves But my dreams they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
ptneves Devo concordar que às vezes falta-nos a razão mas nem no que há razões para nos sentirmos tão sós
ptneves Nesta outra foto, é manhã. olha o nosso sorriso. Noite acabou sem ser preciso sair dos sonhos de outras camas
ptneves to a Tori Amos fan :-) @T_DeBarros Do you sleep with butterflies?
ptneves (not Rick Wakeman) Roger Daltrey "Love's Dream" The hour will come when we shall weep on pleasures past.
ptneves I'm not asking so much! I try to imagine another planet, another sun, where I don't look like me and everything I do matters
ptneves I never made promises lightly, and there have been some that I've broken (reblip)

eva cassidy - fields of gold

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ptneves How could I be this way when I pray to God above. I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love (reblip)
ptneves I can't tell you what i wanna say in a word
ptneves Don't tell me my love's not the one that I want, that he's not the one that I need. I'd rather find out for myself
ptneves don't forget to catch your plane
ptneves Lazy swallow flying homeward watch the river wind back slowly to the sea
ptneves Don't tell me to perk. Don't tell me to spark. I'm loving every minute of this dark heart.
ptneves Benjamin Button: Your life is defined by its opportunities... even the ones you miss.


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ptneves Along the way you bump into people who make a dent on your life.
ptneves Some people are born to sit by a river. (…) Some swim.(…) Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people... dance.
ptneves In this white wave I am sinking in this silence. In this white this silence...I believe (reblip)
ptneves I'm leavin' on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again
ptneves It's my direction, it's my proposal, it's so hard, it's leading me astray. My obsession, it's my creation, you'll understand, it's not important now
ptneves What seed must I sow to replenish this barren land. Teach me to harvest I want you to grow in my hand
ptneves Sueño con noches brillantes al borde de un mar de aguas claras y puras y un aire cubierto de azahar. (reblip)
ptneves No hay nada más bello que lo que nunca he tenido nada más amado que lo que perdí perdóname si hoy busco en la arena esa luna llena q arañaba el m (reblip)


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ptneves Dale Cooper: In the grand design, women were definitely drawn from a different set of blueprints. (reblip)
ptneves RB @paulasilva There's always some reason to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day I need some distraction (reblip)
ptneves since I came here, felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistake :-P (reblip)
ptneves I never made promises lightly and there have been some that I've broken

eva cassidy - fields of gold

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ptneves So...Im just gonna sit on a dock of a bay watching the tide roll away ...ohhh (reblip)
ptneves @T_DeBarros Tired but enjoying work :-) Am I human?
ptneves The curtain descends, everything ends too soon, too soon.
ptneves RB @blocksberg "Volver... Con la frente marchita. La nieve del tiempo la aclaro en mi cien" (reblip)
ptneves RB @paulasilva Gabriel: If might is right, then love has no place in the world. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that, Rodrigo. (reblip)
ptneves There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven @T_DeBarros
ptneves Todo es igual siempre días que son quietos frentes. Regresar sobre conchas y sal
ptneves encara a Catalunya :-) "Caminante son tus huellas el camino y nada más; caminante, no hay camino se hace camino al andar."
ptneves Razón y piel, difícil mezcla, agua y sed, serio problema (reblip)
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite :-)


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ptneves Yo soy, la cuerda más tirante del violín, y busco esa boca como el pan, y no me sacio ya

Domenico Modugno - Sortilegio de luna

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ptneves - Je t'aime je t'aime / - Oh oui je t'aime! / - Moi non plus.
ptneves La vita è come la marea, ti porta in secca o in alto mare, com’è la luna va
ptneves RT @abarbosa Ma questa volta abbassi gli occhi e dici: "noi resteremo sempre buoni amici". Ma quali buoni amici maledetti! (reblip)
ptneves "tengo tantas cosas y ninguna esta en su sitio"
ptneves Chegado finalmente ao hotel :-) "me esforzaré por andar entre versos prohibidos, para susurrar sin herir si estás dormido,"
ptneves Ho aspettato a lungo qualcosa che non c'è invece di guardare il sole sorgere
ptneves RB @smiley "tengo tantas cosas y ninguna está en su sitio" :-) (reblip)
ptneves meravigliosa paura d'averti accanto, occhi di sole mi bruciano in mezzo al cuore
ptneves bajo la penumbra de un farol, se dormirán, todas las cosas que quedaron por decir, se dormirán
ptneves Life could be a dream sweet heart :D Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da (reblip)
ptneves yesterday's favourite, don't you hate it?
ptneves From the mountain tops down to the sunny street, a different drum is playing a different kind of beat.
ptneves This time around it's more correct right on target, so direct, you're gonna make me lonesome when you go
ptneves I'm going back someday, come what may, to Blue Bayou
ptneves Worry, why do I let myself worry?
ptneves You've got a devastating point of view and everything you say is true (reblip)


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ptneves l'ho promessa ed eccola.

Marlene Kuntz - La canzone che scrivo per te

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ptneves la vertigine non è paura di cadere ma voglia di volare
ptneves Comme un bon p’tit soldat, bon apôtre, pas un geste, pas un mot plus haut que l’autre. C’est la Dolce Vita
ptneves Comme tout le monde j'ai mes défauts, j'ai pas toujours les mots qu'il faut
ptneves Face à la mer. J'aurais dû grandir. Face contre terre, j'aurais pu mourir. Je me relève, je prends mon dernier rêve.
ptneves J’ai un pillow en plumes, en forme de lune, en forme de dune
ptneves J’ai demandé à la lune et le soleil ne le sait pas. Je lui ai montré mes brûlures et la lune s’est moquée de moi
ptneves Solitude stands by the window. She turns her head as I walk in the room (reblip)
ptneves Sur les chemins de la bohême, j'ai parlé des langues étrangères. Mes pas poursuivaient un poème, je me suis lavé à l'eau de mer
ptneves Blue, songs are like tattoos. You know I've been to sea before. Crown and anchor me or let me sail away


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ptneves Working from seven to eleven every night, It really makes life a drag, I don't think that's right.
ptneves A chaque nuit, quelque chose d'invisible, me poursuit. A chaque nuit, vers la foret je m'enfuis. Mes medicaments m'empechent de voir la magie

Malajube - Porte Disparu

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ptneves People get ready there's a train a-coming. You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
ptneves Here we go again. She's back in town again. I'll take her back again one more time (reblip)
ptneves No ano passado, neste tempo ainda andavas tu na escola, mas a família cresce e tu és rijo e aqui ninguém pede esmola
ptneves I'm not in love, so don't forget it, it's just a silly phase I'm going through
ptneves Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago, and it’s gone right to my head
ptneves Let's dance little stranger. Show me secret sins
ptneves Bonsoir, ton vehicule n'a pas l`air d`avoir de passager. Peux-tu, veux tu me recevoir, sans trop te deranger? (reblip)
ptneves Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings. Fly high and proud. And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all
ptneves This, is our fork in the road. Love's last episode. There's nowhere to go, oh no (reblip)
ptneves Never made it as a wise man I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin' Tired of livin' like a blind man I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin (reblip)
ptneves Trouble with dreams is they don't come true, and when they do they can't catch up to you
ptneves Jump off. Your building's on fire
ptneves Tu no sabes quien soy yo, No se quien eres tu
ptneves -”Cántame una canción al oido y te pongo un cubata” -”Con una condición: que me dejes abierto el balcón de tus ojos de gata”
ptneves Ooh la la! Ooh la la laa yeah! I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger.
ptneves I dreamed I could fly out in the blue over this town
ptneves good night @espantosa ("Sparks – Nicotina" Nice one!!)
ptneves Volver con la frente marchita las nieves del tiempo, platearon mi sien, sentir que es un soplo la vida, que 20 años no es nada que febril la mirada
ptneves "Silenciosas compañeras, compañeras de viaje, cúmulos de agua y viento con mil formas y mensajes." Hi @All :-)
ptneves Tú no eres como las demás, pura ruina y nada más
ptneves Ugly ducklings don't turn into swans and glide off down the lake. Whether your sunglasses are off or on, you only see the world you make (reblip)
ptneves Running back through the fire, when there's nothing left to save, it's like chasing the very last train when it's too late (reblip)
ptneves sei de cor o teu cabelo, sei o shampoo a que cheira :-)
ptneves @smiley una per la nit :-)


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ptneves "A woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself. " - Susan B. Anthony
ptneves "I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects." - Oscar Wilde (reblip)
ptneves Razón y piel, difícil mezcla, agua y sed, serio problema.
ptneves Y cada noche vendrá una estrella a hacerme compañía, que te cuente como estoy y sepas lo que hay.
ptneves me sobra el aire... me falta el sueño
ptneves @ZONE "No one to talk to ....all by myself. No one to walk with.....I'm happy on the shelf" :-)
ptneves I'm gonna let you down, I know that now, make you cry, I know I will. Why should you believe I would never leave or that I love you still
ptneves @paulasilva Olá Paula, boa tarde de fim de Inverno
ptneves Once in your life you find her, someone that turns your heart around, and next thing you know you're closing down the town (reblip)
ptneves Perhaps this final act was meant to clinch a lifetime's argument: that nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could (reblip)


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ptneves Holding back the years, chance for me to escape from all I've known. Holding back the tears, cause nothing here has grown
ptneves More than words is all you have to do to make it real
ptneves Hoy en mi ventana brilla el ☼ ... and it's dinner time! ☺
ptneves Sueño con noches brillantes al borde de un mar de aguas claras y puras
ptneves Qui a le droit de faire ça a un enfant qui croit vraiment c'que dise les grands. On passe sa vie à dire merci. Merci à qui? à quoi?
ptneves No me preguntes mas por mi si ya sabes cual es la respuesta :::::: Time out!
ptneves te lo agradezco tus ojos lindos, tu cuerpo bello, lo siento niña pero no al lado mío siempre corazón (reblip)
ptneves de nadie son los besos de los labios del mar, de nadie es el camino, que no mira hacia atrás donde se desangran las estatuas de Isaac
ptneves Tonto el que no entienda, cuenta una leyenda que una hembra gitana conjuró a la luna hasta el amanecer
ptneves Hay amores que se vuelven resistentes a los años, como el vino que mejora con los años, asi crece lo que siento yo por tí.
ptneves RB @smiley ♬ entre el cielo y el suelo hay algo con tendencia a quedarse calvo de tanto recordar y ese algo que soy yo mismo ♬ [no more props☺] (reblip)

Me Cuesta Tanto Olvidarte

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ptneves when the weather is high you can stretch right up an' touch the sky
ptneves Sugar baby love I didn’t mean to make you blue
ptneves Sittin' in the mornin' sun. I'll be sittin' when the evenin' come, watching the ships roll in and then I watch 'em roll away again, yeah (reblip)
ptneves If life seems jolly rotten,there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
ptneves Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite... (reblip)
ptneves The look of love it's saying so much more than just words could ever say
ptneves In this world of ordinary people, extraordinary people, I'm glad there is you
ptneves I want to hold the hand inside you. I want to take a breath that's true. I look to you and I see nothing. I look to you to see the truth (reblip)
ptneves If all the of the strength and all of the courage, come and lift me from this place, I know I can love you much better than this, full of grace


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ptneves Antes que alguien pierda la razón y que se apriete algún botón que nos destroce el corazón.
ptneves Esta es la canción de las noches perdidas que se canta al filo de la madrugada con el aguardiente de la despedida, por eso suena tan desesperada. (reblip)
ptneves Non c'è contatto di mucosa con mucosa eppur mi infetto di te, che arrivi e porti desideri e capogiri in versi appassionati e indirizzati a me

Marlene Kuntz - La canzone che scrivo per te

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ptneves This is not what I intended. I always swore to you I'd never fall apart. You always thought that I was stronger. I may have failed
ptneves maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
ptneves !And I don't believe in the existence of angels, but looking at you I wonder if that's true (reblip)

Nick Cave - Into My Arms

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ptneves Maybe I didn't love you quite as often as I could have, and maybe I didn't treat you quite as good as I should have (reblip)
ptneves The trouble with love is It can tear you up inside, make your heart believe a lie, it's stronger than your pride
ptneves In the day, everything's complex, there's nothing simple, when I'm not around you. But I'll miss you when you're gone, that is what I do
ptneves Mélodie d'amour chante le coeur d'Emmanuelle, qui bat coeur à corps perdu
ptneves Come a little bit closer hear what I have to say. Just like children sleepin', we could dream this night away.
ptneves When will you say yes to me, tell me quando quando quando
ptneves Alguien te quiere,alguien te espera,alguien te sueña y tú sabes que soy yo. Alguien te piensa constantemente,alguien te busca y por fin te encontró
ptneves Ay, hay que ver, que pronto se puede olvidar. Hay que ser un tonto para recordar. Pero yo, no puedo evitar pensar en ti
ptneves Te busqué debajo de las piedras y no te encontré. En la mañana fria y en la noche te busqué, hasta enloquecer
ptneves Sea, lo que quiera Dios que sea, mi delito es la torpeza de ignorar que hay quien no tiene corazon. (reblip)
ptneves Si tú no vuelves se secarán todos los mares y esperaré sin ti tapiado al fondo de algún recuerdo
ptneves There were bells on a hill, but I never heard them ringing, no I never heard them at all till there was you
ptneves Nadie como tú con quien amanecer y quiera mañana mas que ayer
ptneves Qué hacer, tú lo sabes. Conservar la distancia, renunciar a lo natural y dejar que el agua corra.
ptneves Mi voz se quiebra cuando te llamo y tu nombre se vuelve hiedra.
ptneves Ya me quedan tan pocos caminos y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino no quisera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo.
ptneves Se apaga el sol en mi ventana y hace tiempo que ya no sé de ti, dime cómo te ha ido
ptneves Mira como ando, mi bien, muy dado a la borrachera y a la perdición.
ptneves You slapped me in the face I turned 'round the other cheek. Couldn't really stand the pace. I would never, never, never, never, never be so meek
ptneves @T_DeBarros Yeah! I know you're in USA, so It is still Sunday for US ☺☺☺☺☺
ptneves I made wine from the lilac tree, put my heart in its recipe It makes me see what I want to see...
ptneves Oh, one of these mornings the chain is gonna break, but up until then yeah I'm gonna take all I can take (reblip)
ptneves In my blood, like holy wine, you taste so bitter and so sweet. Well, I could drink a case of you, darling (reblip)
ptneves "Let us endeavor to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. " - Mark Twain
ptneves I'm not goin' to mayayake it I'm not that kind of man.
ptneves I'm giving you a longing look. Everyday, everyday, everyday I write the book (reblip)
ptneves Ooh...And I still miss you!

Ez Special - Daisy

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ptneves ♬ And now for something entirely cool ☺☺☺☺☺
ptneves 3 props are not enough ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ (reblip)
ptneves Don't be shy, we have been here before. Pull your shoe, lie down and I will lock the door and no-one has to know, I've come here again (reblip)
ptneves I'm thrown and overblown with bliss. There must be an angel playing with my heart. ☺☺☺☺☺ (reblip)
ptneves So where are the strong? And who are the trusted? And where is the harmony? Sweet harmony. ♬♬ @crowjane Lost in Translation it was ☺
ptneves Waking up to find another day. The moon got lost again last night. But now the sun has finally had its say, I guess I feel alright
ptneves b4 U go @crowjane ♬ "Now my heart is beating fast, I’m gonna figure out in my mind what to do find the words to say" ☺ (reblip)
ptneves I've been so many places in my life and time. I've sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhyme. I've acted out my love in stages ❦ (reblip)

Leon Russell -A Song For You

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ptneves Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?
ptneves since I came here, felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistake (reblip)
ptneves am I ok here? I think you ought to know this, another day not unlike any other it’s been like this so long
ptneves I just keep hanging round La da da da da, da da da da ♬
ptneves It's hard to hug the girders, my brother
ptneves It's always have and never hod. You've begun to feel like home (reblip)
ptneves Tuve que aprender que cantar es como desgranar ese racimo de voz, que se te entrega envuelto en un papel de celofán preciado regalo. @QUEENRO
ptneves Now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding (reblip)
ptneves Nobody does it better. Makes me feel sad for the rest. Nobody does it half as good as you. Baby, you're the best (reblip)
ptneves Cada fallo, cada imprecisión, cada detalle, todo bajo control.
ptneves "Suddenly from quiet came the wind, which from the eyes extinguished the last flame" Vinicius de Morais (reblip)
ptneves Cuando tus ojos se fijan en mí vivo mil aventuras sin salir de aquí (reblip)
ptneves ♬ "if I wanted silence I would whisper" ♬ Ladies Night! ♀ Gorgeous voices ✩✩✩✩✩
ptneves Maybe it's just me. Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving (reblip)
ptneves "when I want to run away I drive off in my car" ♬ Ladies Night! ♀ Gorgeous voices ✩✩✩✩✩
ptneves Ensina-me a ser assim, capaz de fazer dum simples ya algo mais do que um sim
ptneves Pasa la vida, pasa que vuela corre que corre y no espera.
ptneves Cuéntame al oído, muy despacio y muy bajito, porque tiene tanta luz este día tan sombrío. ☺
ptneves La primera versión de tus ojos mirando la perdí por temor a seguirte mirando
ptneves Don't go changing, trying to please me, you never let me down before (reblip)
ptneves "Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, and the dreams that you dreamed of once in a lullaby" [I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more] (reblip)


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Michael Bublé - Call Me Irresponsible

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ptneves est-ce que vous aimez le français @crowjane?


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ptneves [Rosana - Contigo] (reblip)


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ptneves In the frontier between night and day the breath of this music takes me away. ‘bye for now☺Thank you @crowjane ☾ Obrigado pela companhia @paulas

Clã - Problema de Expressão

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16-Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last

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ptneves I'm just hoping that somewhere over the rainbow the skies are really blue and the dreams that I dare myself to dream really do come true


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ptneves @FreakinFrog "Manhã de Carnaval" is "Mardi gras' morning" ☑ "A day in the life of a fool" would be (more or less) "Um dia na vida de um louco" (reblip)

Leon Russell -A Song For You

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ptneves There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.
ptneves Shake your hair girl with your ponytail takes me right back (when you were young)
ptneves You are so right @faedo Although the fab four are, for me, the best of the best this cover is also great
ptneves Good morning @all! ☺☺☺☺☺ (reblip)

Vicente Amigo - Guitarra Classica.MP3

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ptneves @faedo Alison Moyet is great, an "Is This Love"is good,yes it is ☺but this "Ole Devil"... when she sings this sorry song I've just gotta tag along
ptneves I need to travel for fun and not for work, any ideas? ☺ (reblip)
ptneves Hola @smiley! Demasiado trabajo, poco blip ☹
ptneves Will you take me across the Channel? ☺
ptneves @paulasilva Os primeiros singles e o primeiro album dos UHF foram de arrasar
ptneves Tóli, Rui e Jorge são mesmo "méistres", cá vai um hino ☺

Ez Special - Daisy

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ptneves @paulasilva Sorte e persistência (há quem lhe chame teimosia ☺)

Clã - Problema de Expressão

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marvelettes - destination anywhere

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ptneves @paulasilva assim é melhor, já estava a pensar em ir buscar uma gravata ☺
ptneves @MusicWithMsB it means "barefoot"☺ Great song (curious version), by the way. ☺ (reblip)


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ptneves It's (my) Closing Time. Buona notte, good night, bonne nuit, buenas noches, boa noite...

Chet Baker - I Fall In Love Too Easily

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ptneves It's right that I should care about you and try to make you happy when you're blue (reblip)
ptneves @clikamaki «Things get more complicated when you're older» ☺
ptneves Thank you @millievanilly, It brings back memories ☺ (reblip)
ptneves bye @all, for now. The moon says hello ☺

Joan Baez - Where Have All the Flowers Gone

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ptneves Don't you know promises were never made to keep? Just like the night, dissolve in sleep
ptneves Olá @paulasilva! ☺

Marlene Kuntz - La canzone che scrivo per te

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ptneves @FreakinFrog «If you ever go down, down to the islands» Well, «maybe tomorrow» ☺

Ringo Starr - It don't come easy

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parislisbonne je vais prendre ta douleur...
parislisbonne Des yeux qui font baisser les miens, un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche. Voila le portrait sans retouche de l'homme auquel j'appartiens
parislisbonne Pertenço-te até ao fim do mar. Sou como tu, da mesma luz, do mesmo amar. Por isso vem, porque te quero consolar...
parislisbonne eu só conheço esse caminho do paraíso...
parislisbonne jurei nunca mais cantar o fado....
parislisbonne @nmguedes para si, espero que gostes...
parislisbonne musica portuguesa? sempre! e porque não uma valsa quase antidepressiva...
parislisbonne Eu sei meu amor que nem chegaste a partir. Pois tudo, em meu redor, me diz que estás sempre comigo...
parislisbonne eu estou bem, quase tão bem... Vê como é bom voltar a dizer...
parislisbonne alguem aqui conhece Azevedo Silva? Eu gosto..
parislisbonne so falta agora o teu sorriso..

1. Carlos Do Carmo - Fado Da Saudade

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russoz You, maybe the reason I survive (reblip)
paulasilva @ptneves obrigada por este blip..é sublime... (reblip)
AlinaCosta "Carregar a superstiçã ser pequeno ser ninguém...!"
AlinaCosta "Podes vir chorar no meu peito...longe de tudo o que é mau...que eu vou estar sempre ao teu meu cavalo de pau...!"
AlinaCosta "Toda a alma tem uma face negra...nem eu nem tu fugimos à regra...!"
AlinaCosta "Com merda na algibeira...o chico fininho...o freak da cantareira...Chico fininho...Uuuuuuh...uuuuuuh..!"
AlinaCosta "Ver-te assim abandonada...nesse timbre pardacento...nesse teu jeito quem mói um sentimento...!"
AlinaCosta "Que dizem que por amor se matou lugar de Porto Côvo...!"
AlinaCosta "A primavera da vida é bonita de viver...tão depressa o sol brilha como a seguir está a chover...!"
AlinaCosta "Mas esqueci de ti...nã esqueci de ti...nã esqueci de nunca me esqueci de ti...!"
AlinaCosta "Tu querias perceber os pássaros..voar como o jardel sobre os centrais...!"
AlinaCosta "Disseste que se eu fosse audaz...tu tiravas o vestido...o prometido é devido...!"
AlinaCosta "Jura...que não vais ter uma aventura...porque eu hei-de estar sempre à altura...!"

Rui VelosoJura

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AlinaCosta "Mesmo sabendo que não gostavas...empenhei o meu anel de rubi...pra te levar ao concerto...que havia no Rivóli...!"
AlinaCosta Não sei porque é que sentes a minha falta...cada dia que de nós arrefece...!


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AlinaCosta Não és capaz de me levar a sério...Vou saltar em teu lugar...!!!
AlinaCosta Café da manhã pra dois...sem saber o que virá depois...bem bom...!!!
AlinaCosta Toda a gente critica o telemóvel do vizinho...mas no fundo toda a gente queria ter um igualzinho...!!! :D
AlinaCosta Fazer-te uma papinha...meter-te na caminha...ler-te uma historinha...e deixar-te bem calminha...!!! :D
AlinaCosta Falamos vinte línguas...dialectos da ternura...tipo...Uhhh...uhhh! Yeah...yeah! Faz...faz! Bebé...!!!
AlinaCosta Words...they cannot love...don't waste them like that...'cus they'll bruise you more...!!!
AlinaCosta My dreams will come true tonight...come with me...set me alright...i should have met you in the 80's...!!!
ptneves Rodrigo Leão (Pasión) voz de Lula Pena

Rodrigo Le

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DJMees @lilLADYT8845: "w0w ,kewl remake of Otis Redding's original" (reblip)

christina aguilera-contigo en la distancia

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honeymatthews The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations. Did anyone sample this beat? It could be a banger... (reblip)
ROSIEOLIVEIRA @musicRmemories: "ningun blip...prop...y el oido para musica buena..."/ LO QUE SE PIERDEN LOS QUIEN NO APRECIAN ESTA MARAVILLA DE MUSICA. LOVE IT! (reblip)

Que no me pierda diego torres

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ROSIEOLIVEIRA @musicRmemories<<< que hase un latino en los netherlands? desfruta de esta musica con un lindo mensaje. :-)
paulasilva A ganhar energias para o fim de semana.
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