rizzoyzuko Sometimes even wolves get the wrong signals.
MsButterzworth The very first time that I saw your brown eyes your lips said hello and I said hi
rizzoyzuko Love, when it's quiet, it's truly delightful.
rizzoyzuko Yeah, I still haven't found what I am looking for...
rizzoyzuko Always a question when someone is knocking at your hotel door? Stay away Nikki and Kstew!
rizzoyzuko Even if I suffer from verbal incontinence this sentiment is true. lol.
rizzoyzuko Decided that a coastal drive would be fraught with peril... patio and wine much better.
rizzoyzuko Well thats it for this mix. Now go out and share it with the rest of the world!
rizzoyzuko I have to say this could be a Jacob song, sort of a mistake but still there.

My Favorite Mistake - Sheryl Crow

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rizzoyzuko I guess Edward would be considered Uninvited. But I would welcome him.
rizzoyzuko Okay so this is more about my robsession.
rizzoyzuko Makes me think about those good times when I was carefree.
rizzoyzuko Sometimes you want something that you can't have.


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rizzoyzuko Reminds me of that one guy that really broke my heart.
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