alinebueno Descobri uma paixão tardia pelo Radiohead... mas pelo menos não deixei passar, né? hehe
DjoxFutura Some nice Donkey-Headed tunes to give myself a warm welcome on ;)
guigaspar Black Mountain é legal, SIM.
indyish "where is my mind?"

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Where Is My Mind (Pixies Cover)

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ohkyoko Versão do Karftwerk. Quero ver quem consegue ouvir até o fim sem bater o pé no chão.
CargoCulte @sudaca70 Thanks! Jose Gonzales is phenomenal
schizophonic And the sewers are all muddied by a thousand lonely suicides...
TaisG eu não preciso de muito dinheiro... preciso sim...


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Gaspar @gunter77 Gênio é pouco. Mando uma versão diferente, mais tribal, do hino mais fudido que conheço. Essa música me dá arrepio.
Yessy Para empezar el día yeah!! =)
indyish can't not like bill murray
mahrcinha i never meant to cause you trouble, i never meant to do you wrong, and ah, well if i ever caused you trouble.. oh, no i never meant to do you harm


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AlessandroMartins Essa é pra você: Noir Desir, do Vive la Féte


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Muse - New Born (String Quartet Remix - by Windblow)

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mastercelo Sou viciado em trilhas sonoras e essa é de Cold Case encaixando perfeitamente com a cena de dois mudos "conversando".


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DJRodneyKing Ray Charles cantando Beatles, não poderia dar em coisa mais style que essa!!! @drkk @Lecuos @Ric @Gaspar @Diordan

Ray Charles Eleanor Rigby

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madu We can be heroes just for one day
senhoritarosa @DonaVitria, desde essa época eu não me emocionava tanto. E o Vasco ganhou, êeee! e agora vamos trabalhar. rs. :*)

Ayrton Senna - Tema Da Vitoria

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Mineira Lavar as mãos, Infantil - Arnaldo Antunes

Infantil Arnaldo Antunes Lavar as Maos

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pedrochaves pra começar bem o dia, um baixo sensacional
octavio muitos

Elis Regina Velha roupa colorida

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fartfree do i have to say anything.
Donch Hallo! Wie lange ist das her? Und Mensch, du bist kein bisschen älter geworden.

Simian La Breeze

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RealtorTed @dalechumbley Pre Blue Monday.....there was a documentary last night on the documentary channel on these guys


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Siepert77 ach, brixton, schönes brixton. gute nacht!
thevelvet Hoje você está casada e cheia de filhos. Mas não quero acreditar isso seja empecilho. Será que você não quer dar uma voltinha comigo?
evablue @ShyTrbleMakr my kind of "boy" ;)
Rudra @Camilah hahaha, zuei

bjork Travessia (em português)

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Maikol Mmmmmm, give yourself to me


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theStanMan The brilliance of Peter Gabriel
binaria "If you dont want me, set me free. Exactly whom Im supposed to be"
carolalala * sigh *

Imogen Heap - Hallelujah

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carolalala @randymatheson - I haven't heard that Catatonia song in a million years! That made my night :o)
justniky forgive me if I get too shy... but maybe you're the reason why
kerplooooey This has been going through my head all night.
snapper @elfgirl, no copying!


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evablue [strutting] can a girl be superfly?
evablue @randymatheson boombastic or spastic? :P

shaggy boombastic 7 inch edit

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paisley Fall To Pieces – Velvet Revolver (what am i doing? how about #1 out of 11,800,000)
doublekaa @alexvalente vou dar um f5. meu gmail tá dizendo q hj é meu dia de roubar teu props
ladybug música fofa. e viva a auto-suficiência! fiquei passada quando a conheci essa mina, por esse vídeo:
Zabeto E ai @geo_ tudo bem? segue uma música tranquila para tarde de sexta!
Analuiza - é estranho. a gente fica com olhar de despedida prás coisas. hj saudei a banca de revistas q vejo diariamente há 31anos. e dei tchau à uma crian
alexvalente @doublekaa vou te perdoar pq tocou cherry lips, mas essa aqui é pra vc. ;D
doublekaa nhónn. olhaaa vc ganhou um prop :D
gigia nooossa @cammy, preciso colocar sunblock entao. (tia gigia e aponta pra a divã) sente-se a vontade, menina cammy e me conte mais sobre sua alucinaca
elfgirl Arctic Monkeys side project. Thanks @Anomaly, and PS i love standing next to you...on the right side :)
Limmonica When you get what you want but not what you need
CalebBooker Still my all-time fave Oasis song! Even if you HATE Oasis, you have to respect this.
zerodois Baby, let's cruise! Away from here...
NineOliveira Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Rubyyyyyyyy
acidkiss And maybe I'm too young to keep good love from going wrong But tonight you're on my mind so you never know
tufman Das hier ist: Our House – Madness
suenosdelarazon ¿Qué fue de Laurie Anderson? - It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole
indyish america can be so beautiful sometimes
purplesime Makes me want to break open a Scott Walker album. No bad thing!
danielms A Suécia, só nos presenteia com coisas boas, Kent é uma delas.


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claudix @sudaca70 aqui está tãoooooooooooooo frio, nem dá pra acreditar que voces estao com calor ;)
threebears good morning little schoolgirl ...whaaaa the ???? didn't know this was allowed *_*
hideaway cute covers da madrugada #1
cammy To ignore it is impossible without getting oneself into all of kinds of trouble, despite one’s best intentions to not get entangled with it so much.
7zZ 相変わらずコイツら音吐の感触がヤバい! via @RustyBrown (reblip)
drunksuite にょほ こんなのも
7zZ イントロのギターは間違いなくアートw
ladybug olha a faca!

Domingo No Parque

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luiz_com_z @schizophonic, @santamistura, não sei de electropop, mas se a fusão da gaita de fole levar liga metálica, dá isso aqui! Trilha de "Os Infiltrados!
cesaraovivo Valeu @njr pela dica musical e um bom dia especial pra tia @gigia, a Serial Blipper. o/ (reblip)
melodyofurlife @spanksalot It called Paul Simon (lead singer of KISS) like this tune is called Detlef Schrempf after a old NBA player. IT JUST is!
AleBourg Faltou luz mas era dia, o sol invadiu a sala Fez da TV um espelho refletindo o que a gente esquecia
by_starla @Remster thanks for your replies--i've been running about and replying sporadically. i am somewhat (?) obsessed with covers. :)
threebears rob thomas did an amazing job with this. stripped down a poppy, synthee 80's hit and made it much more honest and simple - re-blip@crmac50 ^_^ thanks (reblip)
schizophonic Thom Yorke & his magic band.
threebears working towards making an attempt at encouraging myself to go to bed .. have heavy day starting in two hours .. how do I do this?
Sandman5 Sometimes I feel, Like I don't have a partner, Sometimes I feel, Like my only friend, Is the city I live in...
mhelens Coisas que a gente se esquece de dizer, frases que o vento vem às vezes me lembrar...
nakid @Diordan, consegui uplodar!!! Acho que o problema com meus arquivos são as ID3 tags mesmo. Acho que vou ter que rever todas. @medina@djmari
MacDiva Sometimes, you've gotta let the song do the talking.
mau10 sempre tem alguma coisa pra me atrapalhar
vartbr Musik calma pra dormir hahahahhahahaha
clonazepam Eu não sou daqui .. // saravá

Clementina de Jesus Marinheiro só

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loriiseclectic was just reminded of this song today...immensely likeable
LadyJoe I love the sound of you walking away.........
cosita everytime i have a deadline to meet i listen to this song. it reminds me of when i bought an exam reviewer for a test that happened the day before! xD
Joice You're an accident waiting to happen....
abazzan essa eu choro igual criança
luiz_com_z @marcelle_moon, só queria saber se o temporal tinha sido muito denso aí em Brasília. :)
daphons agora que vi esse super blip do Mago de Oz, esplêndido, bãodimais Maria, vivendo e aprendendo (reblip)
vento New Killer Star – David Bowie
vento @amyyfinnegann really a great song (reblip)

Michael Jackson - They Dont Care About Us

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ATG This made me smile. "Should I Stay of Should I Go" on ukulele. Yes, ukulele. The Ukulele Orch. of Great Britain. :-O
ATG Legend of Zelda on ukulele. Too much awesome. :-D :-D Yay!
ATG "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Elle. Oh. Elling. *joy*


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IndigoAquarius good night... sleep sweet... blip nice :)

black crowes - thorn in my pride

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vento Friday I'm In Love – The Cure

Felix Laband - Lady From The Swamp

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sandraew That Johnny Cash tuned reminded me of this one @RustyJames You wonder why I always dress in black...
mizzle Monday Gems: Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend [Marilyn Monroe] ... A kiss may be grand, but it wont pay the rental on your humble flat. (sample only)
claudix q pataquada é essa de u_u, Pi? @RustyJames :) se tu ta falando com alguem, esqueceu da @ dãaaa (reblip)
noodlebs Assisti o clipe 1000 vezes, mas nem é tão bom, hahaha. É que passava muito e valia pela música, né?
marilaliah FF é bão em tudo que toca, mesmo que seja cover.
Starfighter1479 @jenna and for that matter everybody, goodnight, see you tomorrow.
Starfighter1479 @andhow the mountain was beautiful, a hidden sun, tons of snow, and velocities that I am not completely comfortable with.
mellomatic @adbert Bom dia! How are you? ¿Qué tal? =)
Starfighter1479 @andhow I've got one more cigarette, and one more drink in me, I look forward to reading what you write.

Bill Hicks Go Back to Bed, America

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evablue @rpontremoli shucks. thanks. but just so you know, i like original manilow mandy too. ;) (reblip)
ntami @ruivo Não sei se o props pra esse cara (@thiagofonseca) é pelo texto ou pela música... (reblip)
onceacurmudgeon i want nasturtium salad, but where does one find fresh nasturtiums in dec in new york? so i shall blip away my cravings.
Cela @zekinha Na minha boca agora mora o teu nome, é a vista que os meus olhos querem ter... Te adoro!

CNo Recreio

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flavytcha But I'm in so deep, you know I'm such a fool for you You got me wrapped around your finger, do you have to let it
Nelson_Trindade Eles são discretos e silenciosos...segundo as regras herméticas...né? (reblip)
Elling_ @Striker working now :( but it's a sunny day, so...
onceacurmudgeon when i lived in VT, the wall of my building burst forth with lilacs in late may. never has anything smelt better.
prehistoric best listened to loudly.


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brabul Não, ele estava enganado... quem foi que disse que "é impossível ser feliz sozinho?". Pra mim, é impossível ser feliz com alguém, isso sim
Baal_Bogdan John Rambo's arrows explode on impact. Beat that! BOOM
deliofaleiro um bom fim de tarde de domingo
santamistura ahhhhhhh agora gostei do blip, mas esta barba... @dimitrigeo vai tirar já! vc prometeu!! (reblip)
santamistura the other "faca amolada"@JLW ...this song now is about a train line that in end of 60`s the gouvernement cancel.... so all area stop to developed
i_am_trouble lindo

(Ministry) - Lay Lady Lay

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dkoren We need a little Christmas right this very minute.
luiz_com_z @abarbosa, isso me lembra 2 coisas: o Fantástico, quando passou, e um quadro muito sacana (pra variar) do Monty Python, vou procurar o link pra ti! (reblip)
adrianapaiva Merry Christmas to all my blippers & twitters friends! Feliz Natal! Joyeux Noël! Buon Natale! メリー・クリスマス! Feliz Navidad! Frohe Weihn
Doralice Essa poderia ser uma música do Pavement, né não? É impressionante a gama de estilos desse passarinho!
keane Every time I write a song, whatever feeling I felt is exorcised onto paper. It's scary, sometimes.

Sarah McLachlan - Possession

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NicLizD Who do you need....who do you love...when it comes undone
paeix hah! thanks for this @CelsoBessa! MerryXMas to you too! I literally need to shower and get out shopping for all these people in this house!! (reblip)
Yan whoh! good pop (at least vocally) punk, take heed, pop can be achieved w/o dumbing down the music
LizGilbert Are you ready ? Dear friends:May all your wishes come true. Peace & Joy & deep thanks to special tweeple who have made some kids' dreams come true.
DareToEatAPeach Rocks out at the end. Sounds like they have a devil-worshipping wookie & the Olsen Twins singing. In a good way! (reblip)
sarah__o [a bizarre list of x-mas songs. happiness, eeeeeeeeeeee! #FAIL.]
thundercunt @rtsnance i lived in the Flatiron District for 2 years, relocated to Flatbush in Brooklyn, & now i'm in Sunnyside, Queens. What school you went to?
Aluciel And now I'm posting Stephen Colbert Holiday songs!! Stephen + Elvis = a happy Aluciel.
ecocity really nice etranatural expanded consciousness version of the classic cure song. I lyke it mon. I start to run : into the trees...
luiz_com_z @sarah_o, all right! Merry Xmas with the vocal king!

Pretty Paper - Roy Orbison

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sarah__o [bizarre x-mas songs. x-mas with ghosts, eeeeeeeeeeee! #fail. and i'm not even drunk yet. #fail-twice?]
GR8FL Don't you think the joker laughs at you? (ho ho ho, he he he, ha ha ha)
enrique_ @thundercunt birds ❘ ❙ ❚❘ ❙ ❚❘ ❙ ❚❘ ❙ ❚❘ ❙ ❚ (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach This morning on NPR reminds us that Xmas lights are bad for global warming. Poo Poo. =(
ashdontstop "If I wash my hands three more times, I won't 'turn' gay..."
renaton Pisa... pode pisa...

ZPisa Na Ful

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mmemaledicta I got beat up at school and had the posters ripped out of my locker for listening to Siouxsie and The, what's everyone saying?
cammy A lot of fun in my Chevrolet, as we drive away...
ashdontstop my first kiss, sweaty all over at the roller rink with bruised knees, pimple swelling on my nose, no clue what to do with my tongue. this playing.
DareToEatAPeach This is the gospel according to Horton Heat (reblip)
luiz_com_z The system may fool me or John Lennon, but it won't fool Dr. Winston o'Boogie! HAPPY XMAS!!!
liligarcia @flavytcha AMEI!!! Affe.. Quero essa música prá mim!!!
obrunomendonca "Deus me deu um cérebro, você me deu uma razão para usá-lo"
cammy It makes me sigh; I do believe in love.
thundercunt ✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙✇ ❙
evablue @DrakeZilla you do realize you have to stay on the internet, right? and people might talk to virtually. ;)
DareToEatAPeach THIS IS AWESOME HA HA HA! Sounds beautifully festive but its totally wicked. I ♥ Cyndi!
Perrico natal também é triste.
greentapes unfortunately the streams are blown out this holiday...
obrunomendonca Viva! Xuxa especial, Roberto Carlos e toda a qualidade dos especiais de natal da Rede Bobo!

Vinheta - Plantao Globo

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obrunomendonca @sarah__o A única música de Natal que não é irritante, chata ou babaca.
luiz_com_z @raiopositronico, que loucura! Em português mas com nome em inglês? Happy natal! (reblip)

03, Twilight Zone May East

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milko_rodriguez The Original Gwen Stefani...
DareToEatAPeach A dark voice and a violin, for those having a brooding candlelit Christmas.
enrique_ @thundercunt run into flowers ❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁ ❀❁❀ ❁❀ ❁❀ ❁ (reblip)
luiz_com_z @patita, I deleted some link that was not working, but here is something to make you laugh even more. :)
memoria Mala Mujer, ¡tampoco es para tanto! E.L.O =·)
herbalicious Radio, live transmission. transmission - joy division
luiz_com_z @AnaDutra, minha gravação preferida dessa que o Frejat gravou em português. Feliz natal!
DareToEatAPeach Could that fat man by the vending machine be the Clause?
russoz @jojofm oh man, this is gooood!!! :-) in the guitar solos I could almost see chuck berry dressed as santa!!! HOHOHO to all of you! (reblip)
luiz_com_z @patita, linda é a original. :)

John Lennon - Instant Karma (We All Shine On)

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herbalicious do you really want to hurt me - violent femmes
Moura Grande truque...Those we do not speak of. Genial!
w1kure my history


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GypsyOwl @patita @Dave_Malby @adbert @BizCoachDeb @ivan_filios @iota @ZacksMind Happy Christmas [I Want To Come Home For Christmas – Marvin Gaye]
luiz_com_z "Antena 1 [a classic FM radio station] from its best times! Thanks, @striker! The happiest Xmas to you, with lots of beetles!"(besouros = beetles) (reblip)
Rainoverlima Este tema se parece a una eclosión en zig zag. A la sónica mía cuando se erige como hogar musical.

Ira E Pato Fu Telefone

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elhombrecohete uno de los regalicos más preciados
evablue i've been guilted into staying for dinner with cousins. one more day before running away. never thought i'd be happy to go into the office on a monday
MFeldman @DJphillyman @CK_unplugged I don't know. The juxtoposition alone is worth the time, but the folo-thru? You decide (reblip)
luiz_com_z @chicklitgurrl, I know a few things like Roy's death but I looked up Otis's, I didn't know it. And no, I'm not historian, just a music addict. :)
luiz_com_z @striker, hi, mate! Remember this sung by the nun in Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker's Airplane? :D
Nelson_Trindade Que malandro é você? Que não sabe o que diz! Cuidado que muita mentira Você pode perder o nariz! (reblip)
evablue speaking of sitcoms... @eSandberg who killed @angrybob? who let him off work?
paeix Look at me! 1111 props... the last time... how soon until the balance it destroyed...!? ha..
RealtorLefebvre Beautifully tragic. Gives me chills everytime, which is always an indicator of a song's relative bad-assness.
craigz "Your face will smile and your eyes will shine." Words by Woody Guthrie.
craigz @radernation: "another great song by the Pixies that Weezer covered" - agreed. (reblip)


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RealtorLefebvre Good News Everyone! We've now come to the "Songs-About-Strippers-and-Hookers" part of the show. Pull up a seat and get your money out...
nervioso OMFGGGG he estado buscando esta rola durante que? 5 años :DDDDDDDDDDD


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RealtorLefebvre "You've got the money maker, They showed the money to you, You showed them what you can do, Showed them your money maker..."
QueenJaneApproximately God said, "You can do what you want Abe, but, uh, next time you see me comin' you'd better run"
thecx i need you to believe!

The Chemical Brothers feat. Tim Burgess - Believe (LP Version)

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thecx played a lot of guitar hero last night...
Stolen Piano is well known as the instrument of choice for security purposes.
GR8FL Who's addicted, @evablue? I mean I didn't have a fit and try to determine whether it was my crappy ISP again. Nope, not me.
luiz_com_z @sophie_o, "saudade da porra" é um dos vários jeitos nordestinos de expressar intensidade. :)
ulltra e a tarde cai no flamengo
paeix ...evil... yes, I need....
thecx llevo el prisma de tus ojos / en mi casco de astronauta / y la timida aurora de tus celulas

ZoeVia Lactea

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FernandaW La fille de joie est belle Au coin de la rue là-bas
marilovisky Hiiiiiii, @godninja! You work toooooo much! Take a breath and blip a little more!

HIMWicked Game

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binaria "Se eu calei foi de tristeza. Você cala por calar. E calado vai ficando, só fala quando eu mandar..." essa música é GENIAL assim como o Zé


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paulzy again... "Not Another Teen Movie"
ekman foi só chamar que o samba apareceu...salve mestre @Diordan, Samba da Minha Terra – Dorival Caymmi - oxalá blipers
ekman tudo bem @RossanaBocca, pouco importa a casca, mais importante do que ver é sentir !!! O Que Ninguém Contou - A Subversiva Fusão dos Velhos de Acaj
evablue i couldn't blip a second wham so i'm cheating. :)
FernandaW .....maravilha de cantora


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Stolen The transitions between these last few blips have them.
godninja @hermetic it will not let me give you anymore props.
evablue a moment of serene (some of you will call this muzak so press your arrow keys ;)
Stolen Between pubs, or jobs as the case may be.
flavytcha Bonnie Tyler é diva, é luz, é vida! \o/ para @ricricardo , tb adoro
loungecreature This is a jam. Friday Night at the Cadillac Club – Bernard Purdie
Dave_Malby House of the Rising Sun – BB King and Mary Travers
emercer Tem pensado nela, estava com saudade. Mesmo sem ter esquecido que é sempre amor, mesmo que acabe (...) Nunca é muito tarde pra ligar. (reblip)

Bide Ou Balde - Mesmo Que Mude

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wiseacre Yankee Hotel Foxtrot will forever be Wilco's magnum opus; on par with OK Computer and Achtung Baby. Watch "I am trying to break your heart" docu.


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NicLizD "Kýrie, eléison, down the road that I must travel Kýrie, eléison, through the darkness of the night" ....Lord Have Mercy...
Kaffeetante Salsa ist echt schwer.

Salsa Caliente - Marisa Monte & Cesaria Evora

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j3ffpa @artemisthunder 1 props for you ! ...em português algo assim => Outra versão do Empty Walls um presente e realmente ouvir a voz de Serj's (reblip)
Flower cover and acoustic, the last

Stereophonics Angie (acoustic cover)

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DaniPaixao Que vozeirão dessa irlandesa! No acústico dá pra encarar o refrão!
sistema428 "..." // Totalmente diferente, mas muito boa @santamistura / Totally different, but very good! (reblip)
Flower Massive Attack covered by Incubus!!!
Ninha All Those Yesterdays – Pearl Jam
vantowers rockpalast


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Gequeoman Going to bed now, praying for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a liquor store. Amen.
godninja @marilovisky Really! and you have sun. no fair.. pubs even close at 2.30am now...otherwise we would drink our selves to death.
ianthomaz @GR8FL@aldenia@abarbosa@biah , but what about the "COPO SUJO" ? were did she got it from ?
PlasticRobot via@herbalicious Awesome! I hadn't hear this mix before. Thanks! (reblip)
ladypn @by_starla You are right on tonight! Heard Cale and heard Eno before, just not together. Love it! (reblip)
memoria Ao Berimbau .. Sergio Mendes & Stevie Wonder.. =·)
carloslet I'll tell you all the story about the joker and the thief of the night
carloslet just watched "Comedian", a documentary focused in Jerry Seinfeld and the stand-up comedy... this one is the credits song. :)
djflavinha @luiz_com_z hahahaha Minha prima do sul fica me zuando que falamos estacionameiiiinto seteiiiimbro hahaha não tenho sotaque!hunf (reblip)
sudaca70 Teatro Opera, septiembre 1999; quienes estuvieron saben lo que fue aquello...
Diordan Quem tem saudade não está sozinho tem o carinho da recordação! Por isso quando estou mais isolado fico bem acompanhado com você no coração!
guto uma das melhores músicas nacionais de 2008


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Diordan @luiz_com_z @patita essa é para defenestrar e começar 2009 com o pé direito!
luiz_com_z @Diordan, cê tá rebentando também. Esse Blip vou te contar, que oásis de bom gosto no raiar do século XXI. (reblip)
PlasticRobot @Lexie Thanks for the awesome songs! Everyday is Halloween! ;)
schizophonic This is... EXTREMELY unexpected. // Muito, muito, muito, muito, MUITO inusitado. MESMO.
russoz EEEEIIIII!!!!! Que que há velhinho???? said Bugs Bunny
yohanp @luiz_com_z thank you! my HDD is going to bite a dust very soon -- I likely won't be responding for a while until (I overcome myself and) repair sys. (reblip)
LeSamourai blip ads suck. :( direct quote: "See Prince vs. Madonna vs. Michael Jackson Dance Party live." hahaha. nice ticketmaster.
carloslet this song features in one of the Watchmen trailers, also in the GTA IV soundtrack... awesome (y)
agenteinforma Coca-Cola é isso aí: Joey Ramone no novo comercial.
carloslet @patricia_coelho misturando destilados com fermentados? what a shame! @noodlebs hahahaha, no problem, curto poucas deles... (ok, vao me matar agora) (reblip)

John Lee Hooker One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

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mmemaledicta ...and where exactly do you think M83 took their inspiration for this song??? maybe from Kate Bush? "But the hounds of love they bite our heels..."


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formalhaut @denkschema wann auch immer – gute reise! btw, dies ist asymmetrical head aka @leftm der hier leider schon lange nicht mehr aufgetaucht ist. schade!
outlawgirl reblipando coisa boa que me apresentou novos amigos!!! @liliagrcia e @flavytcha eu e @strauss esperamos vocês!!
russoz Indifference, The plague that moves throughout this land Omen signs In the shapes of things to come. . Tomorrows child is the only child.
GR8FL @evablue - I also like softer, low-key music such as this one. I play it in the morning often and also when I need to wind down.
melodyofurlife @brandette She Comes in Colors everywhere, She's a rainbow!
russoz @alicebates another local classic, an ode to São Paulo, the ugliest, biggest, messiest and most effervescent city on the south side of the blue ball (reblip)
DaphneA You consider me the young apprentice Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes
lemerodrigo To listen with eyes closed preferably. I strongly recommend.

Norah Jones Blues And Jazz (Album)

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leinergroove U2 singing some Lennon
anapaulapj monolito

Rancid Time Bomb

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djbringit Blip them when they are up, Blip them when they are down
ekman mais uma da santa @santamistura...Trem das Onze (DJ CJay rmx) – DJ CJay (reblip)
GR8FL Another kickass mashup! :D @OneLuvGurl yep! and @ATG you should know about it... it is a bit strange. (reblip)
marcusm Covardia. Andre Mehmari, Ná Ozzetti e Tom Jobim. Isso não se faz! Boa noite, amigos :-) (@gigia!! onde que tu tava, onde é que tava tu?)
Lady_Frostbite The construction workers are going to teach me a Spanish phase a day: and I'm going to cook in return. Unidentified men, teaching Spanish!
CarsonCuse Amazing lyrics and message.
sandraew My Baby Just Cares For Me - Nina Simone

Nina Simone My Baby Just Cares for Me

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sunnysunnysunny I'm already resigned to moving my rollerchaired ass into Saturday @nansan, but ish ok, marami naman kami :)
CesarBaima J'ai perdu la ronde qui mène au bonheur...
olumi_day lmao @bendrix == Actually @lub is scary - if U go through her blip list U'll be bombarded with eclectic diverse everything - reblip=> @MassimoFarina (reblip)
Samsonite "The Boy Who Could Fly" on Beta...that's all i'm gonna say...
carloshowes Excelente projeto desta dupla formada pelo músico M. Ward e pela atriz Zooey Deschanel (Quase Famosos).
pinkperry And the fog comes up from the sewers and glows in the dark


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pinkperry @ababelado :] gosto muito das versões que fizeram pra esse filme. essa com Stereophonics e a de Across the Universe são minhas preferidas.
rkmonkey another great RH acoustic cover @indiorubber
cammy Aw. (
2liveis2fly this is an interesting cover - pearl jam with the finn brothers - split enz. Wow.
tubilino Kids (MGMT Cover) – The Kooks
brabul uma relação é construída aos poucos... tudo que é construído às 3 porradas, é frágil, pode dersmoronar a qualquer momento
spookyloop These guys are playing at the Boulder Theatre June 2nd. I wanna go!
spookyloop I didn't know Low did a version of this Christmas tune!
sunnysunnysunny maxed out my props for you @CalMa. I'm liking this very much :) (reblip)
sunnysunnysunny all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise
GR8FL It´s party time - have to go "Au Bal Masqué" - kisses, blippers! r/b @driczz with wishes for a nice evening! (reblip)
GR8FL ,@lub he's a bollywood supastar....... so cute> I just learned... good for us and good for blip.
GR8FL one of my favorite mashups... these 2 songs were meant to be blended.
onceacurmudgeon @gobcarlqvist your repeated use of 25 this evening leaves me perplexed. please explain its significance. (reblip)
malg and i'm getting old...

Neil Young - Heart of Gold

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openarms " quero um beijo. Um beijo imenso, onde eu possa me afogar."
leinergroove Don't you just love this song? It has some sad beauty within its structure.
sadalit Couldn't find the Ray Charles song I wanted; this one will have to do.
DareToEatAPeach Best cover of this. Yes, I've heard the others. This one is better.
CherryGhost @JeffreyMarsh with this everyone thinks its MMJ...I ♥ Furr
julianacp pra @LuMastrorosa , nossa Lulinha querida, que acaba de voltar da aula de Francês, ulálá!
ladypn @rkmonkey out of props for you already! Is that how many times you've seen Radiohead?? (reblip)
crispast cover by carmen consoli (italian singer)
Quinine ...feelin' kinda white & stripe-y tonight...(don't mind me)
Sandman5 @Quinine - Just relaxing after a long day of work... How are things with you? :) (reblip)
sandraew If it's the last thing we ever do...
MaddyTheSongWhore never met a girl like you before....
Quinine @Sandman5 Same here...just chillin' after a workout. probably will head to bed early tonight...tired! :)
MaddyTheSongWhore I'm in love with your brother....
melodyofurlife live or studio sessions really show how good bands really are. not over produced, more pure and original.
tonydarue Mark Lanegan – Hit The City
JQuadros take it to a desert island and send it to me on a bottle
evablue need to focus and shake into awake-ness so i can go to sleep sooner
natsukigamer amerikaaa!!! ameeerikkaaa!!!!
fishdeleuze Elliott Smith – Ballad Of A Thin Man (Bob Dylan)
Figgywithit this came up on my shuffle today out of 14000 songs. thought it was a sign. Maybe. Maybe not.
ivanneto O Doves acertou a mão nessa versão de "Blackbird" dos Beatles ->


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ivanneto Versão infame de About a Girl (do Nirvana) feita pelo Cibo Matto >
ivanneto O genial Jose Gonzalez fazendo uma versão boazona de "Love will tear us apart" do Joy Division >
ivanneto "Such Great Heights" do Postal Service também pelo Iron Wine >
jeshudak dear @chadachi, thanks for the intro to lykke li, esp this song. now i just can't get enough. yours truly, jes.
jeshudak thanks to @thegreatandpowerfulDae, i now know of great northern. i like it. a lot. (reblip)
boilerrat @patita their episode of Austin City limits was one of the better ones I've seen
disconnesso - ce l'ho sul desktop il nuovo singolo di Jason Lytle. Me lo gusterò con calma
nakid Estou começando a desanimar de usar o Blip, infelizmente. Como se já não bastasse as músicas começarem a sumir, a busca está Péssima e piorando
nakid Para @djmari. Curti essa pegadinha com a Duffy
nakid @Diordan, acho que já apagaram 'palhaço' aqui do Blip. Essa é a única que ficou.
disconnesso - da quando hanno detto che ufficialmente iniziava la primavera s'è fatto un freddo che neanche quest'inverno. Odio le convenzioni
NothingForX There's 7,000 things you'd rather be and rather do, and I know, that you fuck what you love, and you love what you fuck
ARubenich i like it soft, i like it wet, i like my make up in a mess so I weep...
geo_ ama ou não ama. se ama, me chama que eu vou
grazieadio @playalongjon That's the best cover of this song.

HIM_Wicked game

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NothingForX some light being pulled you up from night's party, said, "clap your hands if you think your soul is free"
yohanp in memories of Natalya L. Trauberg ( ) R.I.P. dear Nata // via @clarkowitz (reblip)
GR8FL I've always been partial to this holy fuck nude remix @purplesime (reblip)
disconnesso - si prospetta un Venerdì sera a casa a lavurà. Un altro ancora. Boh. Magari più tardi esco un po'. Vediamo
ARubenich Parece q foi feita pra mim!
stelladaniella Hmm - I can't listen to this song without thinking of the Ghostface Killah overlay from who was it, the hood internet?
foncati bom dia / o que eu coloco no dropbox da pau de id tag no blip / conseguiu @luetranger / mais alguém?
Ozias # Desse jeito vão saber de nós dois, dessa nossa farra # (reblip)
Ozias What a week. I was an absolute wretch. Getting myself together. Get it together, Woman! :) (reblip)
NothingForX Don't think I'm all in this world, The camera won't let me go, And the verdict doesn't love our soul, The digital won't let me go


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Ozias More acoustic. Wow. What a voice. (reblip)
Ozias Una de acá que espero que te guste, @prinma (reblip)
Ozias David Bowie – Across the Universe (reblip)
Ozias Johnny Cash – One ||Thanks for props @Ozias @mizzmbee @jilliansaint (reblip)

Johnny CashOne

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Ozias the androgyn, goth, lizzard king!!! (reblip)
NothingForX Think of all the ways, Momentary phase, Just like yesterday, I told you I would stay
toosweet4rnr April 5 birthdays - Miho Hatori, Japanese singer and songwriter (Cibo Matto) {g'night @MrsASoprano}
rickroquea It's a Basement Jaxx Mix!!! It sounds so good. "technologic" Daft Punk-Basemen Jaxx Mixx
ladypn In case you hadn't noticed, I'm on a Tanita Tikaram kick! I love her voice.
cabrochette cobra branca. COBRA BRANCA, vejam bem. aí fudeu, coverdale. sem mais comentários.
air Such a beautiful song...................
sarah__o [So freak out if you wanna, and I'll still be here/don't call me for years and when you do/yeah, I'll still be here] [/thank you.]
renaton ** #reupload ** (devido a mudança de servidor) ** Ñande Reko Arandu ** Xondaro ** 15/15 **
pinto かなしさのみじんもねえなぁ:)
pinto くつろぐなあ こりゃこりゃ

CanKama Sutra

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SINGASONG This is a little bit fucked I know... Still if you dig, you dig! knus og godt forår til jer..

Ardy, The Painter Of Love - Pregnant Rainbows For Colourblind Drea

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walkwithastagger tonite's episode of LOST ripped this song from legend of zelda (SNES) for the music to the temple under ben's house: nerdgasm!
ladypn Goodnight/morning to you @Zadecka! Welcome again to BLIP! (reblip)
dswancanada thanks @GR8FL, I can't help it - lady gaga makes strikes me laugh (reblip)
CherryGhost JJ will help you catch a ride with Ben Harper because she is a groupie and stuff.
CherryGhost @Arlene513 because you are a groupie @SevenTenths @ImJonas @CargoCulte because you are awesome.


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MacDiva This one's a bit inside baseball, but NYC friends, colleagues and listeners: you'll identify. :)
Seriouslysus I will be saying lager lager lager...soon, not Hhhheineken :)
Sparklepony [Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood – Some Velvet Morning]
FourEyes just because I saw this one listed underneath the original and I was curious. Great cover.
FourEyes Wow 100 listeners! Welcome newbies and thanks for your ears!
Stay19 Radiohead VS Dave Brubeck – Five Step (Overdub Bootleg)<><>Nice! vi@unityofeffect (reblip)
ericmaze reminded of this on KCRW this morning
2liveis2fly If you haven't heard melissa ferrick, you need to. Great to see live. "Whatever you want, I'll give it to you..."
MacDiva "The Washington Post March" was commissioned by the paper's co-publisher, Frank Hatton, in 1889.
ericmaze Massive Attack cover, pretty faithful, more piano. (reblip)


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deadcowaroma Huzzah strikes me as a very geeky exclaimation. Ah well. I like 'Huzzah'.
chris_is_cool @whistlin_indie speaking of craptastic weather,it's supposed 2 snow here in chicago tonight & tomorrow.*hates the weather gods right now* really WTF!
Nata Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana
deadcowaroma Don't say the bible though. I don't want to read the bible. : S
Mineira Can´t take my eyes off you, Muse
djxkn Adele's song "Hometown Glory" covered by Santigold (former Santogold), - thanx @javnoneim! (reblip)
Mineira Oração ao tempo, Luiza Possi (Tempo, tempo, tempo, tempo...)
chebel I know it's hard for you, my baby... and the darkest hour is just before dawn...
brenobm @Nani1982: "@edullima Adorooo, Duda!! É do filme Como se fosse a primeira vez =D tksss @edullima" (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach Aaaaah! People stop Reblipping that Metallica track that was thoughtlessly sent to me! I don't even like Metallica. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
FunkShoi Still groovin around. This is what I get for coming into work 3 hours late...
FunkShoi @GrassyKnoll, Big in Japan (Lake Trout's drummer/bassist/keys) are playing at Pianos on 5/30/09
melpimenta Eu quero a música inteira! Agora sim... morena de angola que leva o chocalho amarrado na canela...
neguinha [lá vai! lá vou eu de samba. somente samba. a ordem é samba. e nada mais...]
Sally29 Need an early night tonight - it's been a long week. What day is it?!!
Joan_Eliza 4 U...


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Diordan Hiiiiiiihiihhihihiahahahahah HOHOHOHO @CargoCulte @Atomik
smartard Billie Holiday – Willow Weep for Me
AlyG i'm pretty sure it's tied with hey there delilah @rebroth: "@AlyG that james blunt song is actually my least favorite song ever. i dont understand" (reblip)
AlyG @rebroth there isn't enough handsome boy here...and it makes me sad.
browntrash i dont want to be part of your scene, ill stick with him and keep my nose clean
sunnysunnysunny Song in my head when I woke up. Must have something to do with my fever. Hope it's playing though, can't do livestreaming for some reason.
Der_Windhund RB @Sparklepony: "[Brian Eno w Bauhaus – The Sky's Gone Out]" (reblip)
ZachsMind Yes. This is me singing. Try not to faint. The blood coming out of your ears? That's a common side effect. Don't worry about it.
PauloStudio2002 ANDRE RIEU – The godfather/Stranger in paradise(in Cortona) ★★★★★★★

Gorillaz: Madonna and Gorillaz at Music Awards

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avivajazz Daúde Pata Pata // GREAT! Thanks@santamistura (reblip)

Daúde Pata Pata

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DJMees @frk_maria: "God only knows what I'd be without you..." (reblip)
avivajazz The scenery, the chance to see land in the Punjab! Great! @dnya: "shot in the verdant fields of vibrant Punjab...with Shahrukh Khan...from Veer Zara" (reblip)
xmarina Ai se sesse (reblip)

Cordel do Fogo Encantado Ai se sesse

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aprila711 I have this in my head right now.

Flight Of The Conchords Season 2- Carol Brown (With Lyrics)

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mmeixide Richard Stallman (free software foundation) - Guantanamero || @DukeECP

Richard Stallman Guantanamero

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mmeixide Foliada is a traditional music, with bagpipes and song, if you want it to break, give Ribeiro wine to the pipers || @avivamagnolia@yohanp


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ComputerNationRadio @Sweettunes You are too kind. I also play some mean fooseball. How's that for skillz!
melpimenta @lasarina do you believe that today I woke up wanting to hear this music? thanx :)))) //@valledoro @mammara @sonicmichel @G_r_e_g @geo_ (reblip)
GarrettTheK @Garrett_The_K: Welcome new listener @roxxanne - and @fini: Schade, aber ich kann nicht ohne kleidung im büro sein. Sie?" (reblip)
sandyriverside I was just saying rb@Mike_Mongoose this world needs a Ghosbusters theme remixed tastefully in dubstep - and boosh - here we are. Cheers mang! (reblip)

Ghostbusters dubstep remix

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SylentSyd ...and well you shouldn't... ;) @tuatara: "I never tire of Radiohead. @cjdoyle" (reblip)
by_starla [The National – Son] hey @Koshka :)

The National"Son"

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FOGGIELOANER somewhere, someone's planning a Storyville adult theme park @TrishLewis: "I needed a bedtime Storyville~Too Bad it's history>@Buzzz: (reblip)
ZOEBOE Why was 6 afraid of 7? Cause 7 ate 9. Baha, I crack myself up.

Fever Ray _ Seven (Martyn Remix)

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You Go To My Head-Michael feinstein

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you999 Heartbreakers - Love Comes In Spurts

Love Comes In Spurts

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CHaDmAn "Step by step, heart to heart, left right left, we all fall down! / So now he sits in the desert wastes just waiting for a sign!" (Adam Ant vs Eminem) (reblip)
CHaDmAn "Down in the bars the girls are painted blue! Done up in lace, done up in rubber!" (reblip)
milkfish I think this may become a choral standard
DownLow Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Come In Please

these friends of mine

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FernandaW i adore Sara Tavares, ty RB@amphore :-)@amphore: "berlingreetings dear (reblip)

Sara Tavares-Pe na strada

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FernandaW Mayra Andrade


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RunRunItsHim Couple of weirdos.

Björk and PJ Harvey- Satisfaction

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Greenfields47 tyrb @Hittman: "YES TY K1!@NaturalDancer: "Wow! Really unusual picture! Album cover? @Hittman: ""@NaturalDancer""" (reblip)
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