tzaadi @Mochajuden since you dropped Les Nubians - Makeda on us, have a listen to this
tzaadi From a long time old recording so turn up the volume a bit.
tzaadi Kidjo was born in Cotonou, Benin. Her father is of the Fon people, her mother from the Yoruba.

James Taylor The Water Is Wide

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tzaadi I miss my Dad. He would have liked this...

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Soundtrack

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tzaadi First heard this on the Oxygen network yoga show, Inhale.

YularaHo Doi

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LordO Seal – Prayer for the Dying
tzaadi old favorite

Jean-Luc Ponty - Renaissance

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Diordan hummm found ya here

Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Ultra Rare Trax Vol3)

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tzaadi reminds me of bellbottoms and platform shoes...where is my brim with the feather in it?


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Diordan never enough 100 - Nitin Sawhney - YO KP! - Oi @DesertLily!! Tudo bom com vc?
tzaadi The haunting yodeling is from a group of Baka women from the Ituri Rainforest that stretches across Cameroon, Congo and parts of Burundi.
tzaadi released on Lag B'Omer 5769

DeScribe & Y-Love "Make It" (official music video)

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tzaadi Pakistani musician and singer of Qawwali, the devotional music of the Sufis (a mystical tradition within Islam).
tzaadi ethno-introspective ambient world music...hey not my description but it fits for some.

Deep forest-Savana dance

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tzaadi Who'd a thunk it? African and Celtic cultural influences in combination to make great music.
tzaadi with this i imagine gracefully dancing with my beshert.
tzaadi i hear this and i'm somewhere between Paris and Casablanca. when is another matter.
tzaadi Freedom Cry - the language, Hungarian I believe.
tzaadi bbfn, Blip. brainstorming, done. time to work
tzaadi from The Dusty Foot Philospher


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