wainbrave how much have you learned?
wainbrave Portland dudes... nice and easy - good november music
wainbrave sometimes i try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I want it to; and everything i do and everything i try... I'M NOT CRAZY!
wainbrave Take a good long drink of this... that's right


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wainbrave putting the semi into 1st gear and dragging my body behind it as it lurches down the road... mmmm
wainbrave a snare drum wrapped so tight it sounds like it's going to pop


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wainbrave this is even better than Soundgarden's original
headphone I was honest I swear the last thing I want to do Honest I swear the last thing I want to do Is ever cause you pain
wainbrave I love the inverted beauty and darkness in this song
wainbrave ... and we're back to the golden lit streets of moonlight and fancy dancing weirdos in clownpants!
wainbrave thinking about riding in the station wagon through Glacier Park as a kid, no seatbelt
wainbrave better than the Velvet Underground's version and that's quite a feat!
wainbrave at the top of the grunge movement there was Andrew Wood
wainbrave this was the best live show I think i have EVER seen - amazing

Gogol Bordello Gypsy Part of Town

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wainbrave my favorite song in 6th grade
wainbrave fairies, gnomes, elves, goblins - they got nothin' on the pixies!
wainbrave elves, sprites, brownies... they got nuthin on the Pixies
wainbrave Junior Senior still crack me up
wainbrave when i don't get my bath, I take it out on the slaves...

Monster Magnet - Space Lord

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wainbrave c'mon you crazed post-turkey day holiday ghouls.. you gotta rize above!
wainbrave Jesse Richter on guitar! yeah!
wainbrave wishin for summer in December


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wainbrave I think I'm moving to Gas Huffer's hometown in a few years... hmm
wainbrave do I like this song?... I'm not sure... hmm... but I think so... lessee....
wainbrave He could rope a steer and play guitar before he could even stand...
wainbrave some of you may think you know evil... what makes you so sure? do you?


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wainbrave just discovered this Fig... tasty
wainbrave currently the song I listen to before I dream
wainbrave drive down a dusty road with a can of RC and a goofy grin, window rolled down, and squint into the sun to this
wainbrave this is for playing bloody great video games on the Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii
wainbrave For drinking up all of the spirit of Christmas
wainbrave tender. John Spencer OWNS some slice of my mind's New York (reblip)
wainbrave He used to cut his forehead on local Portland stages with a broken beer bottle, show ended early, Pig Champion went to the hospital: wow! (reblip)
wainbrave Now these punk ladies, they had a plan...
wainbrave bauhaus, she wants revenge, and joy division: sweet goth mashup!
NyQuilDriver As demonstrated thru several blips tonight Australia is rad... and I need to visit it sometime in my life. cc: @sheseesred
wainbrave @NyQuilDriver: rrrrowwwr! Bite! ... primal early 80's from Australia
wainbrave you wore me out like an old winter coat. Time to be saved from the cold....
wainbrave i can't forget the sound, cuz it's here to stay... the sound of people chasing money. And money gettin' away

Uncle Tupolo 4 whiskey bottle

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wainbrave My horse has been into the whiskey again
wainbrave these guys should tour with Gogol Bordello
wainbrave a song for Intellagirl... hope you feel alright!
wainbrave poison ivy on guitar.... oh yeah
wainbrave making tofurky, on request, for Sophia's 8th birthday

Pearl JamBlack

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wainbrave and from grandma, an iPod nano. She likes the Beatles at 8 yrs old

Beatles - Yellow Submarine

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wainbrave pulling up piano songs of various styles for Sophia
wainbrave new wave keyboards from days of yore
wainbrave fancy keywork by the boys wearing flowerpots on dere heads
wainbrave this was one of my favorite scary songs from high school: slow punk rock
wainbrave sheesh... maybe a little balance on the other end of the guillotine is called for.
wainbrave I'll be your breakfast, I'll be your dinner; you won't get hungry - you won't get thinner; a cannibal's happy song
wainbrave some flat working pavement bruiser with tinsnips made my pony eat something from the drain and now he don't feel so good. Anyone got a remedy?


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wainbrave and a chance that I had three goblins sitting on my shoulder was lost when out of the sky I saw eight tiny reindeer having coffee with a pagan
wainbrave why didn't the movie industry ever have these guys do a soundtrack? Every album was so epic!
wainbrave Blind men beggars fought each other with knives during the middle ages to the kings amusement, thinking they would each be getting a pig
wainbrave your body has over a pound of glucose in it at any given second...
wainbrave @threeforks be sure you make it with peanut butter!
wainbrave used to drive around in my friend's subaru going straight up mountains at 2 am listening to this
wainbrave now for some gold flecked gloss on the bottom lip of a lovely lass bouncing in sunlight on the bucket seat beside me
wainbrave more candy-dripping sunshine for tonight's festival of happiness, wherever we are
wainbrave and still this is pretty after 20 some odd years. And I mean ODD years! 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ....
wainbrave there'll be time enough for sleeping when we're dead - when we'll have a velvet pillow for our head
wainbrave that your tweets are as beautiful as the music you shoot off into space?
wainbrave someday... they'll find a
wainbrave the Salamander Project is waking back up
wainbrave good Australian 80's pop in the kisser
wainbrave for all of my friends... you are all so cool, I can't STAND it
wainbrave ok, last one - I'm now officially gone over the line blasting folks on twitter who may have followed me... with blip noise
wainbrave lunch on Friday: leftovers... getting psychologically ready for the office Xmas party at my house tonite
wainbrave it's exceptionally cold here in Eugene, OR.... almost feels like homestate Montana today
wainbrave I'm ducking out to pick up milk & spicy mustard - den home to write a research prospectus and then PARTY... bye all!
wainbrave had a nice christmas party with my colleagues at CATE...
wainbrave Good news: the Center for Learning in Virtual Environments (clive) is an official center at the University of Oregon! (clink)
wainbrave Ok one more India Pale Ale and a few songs before retiring.... there's plenty of time for sleep when we're dead
wainbrave Rolling Stone rated this as the best lyrics of all time back in (about) 1985. Now I understand.
wainbrave If we had our knees on backwards... what would chairs look like?
wainbrave This mediated reality stuff could be toxic you know.
wainbrave to everyone in the best town in the multiverse... Chilbo!
wainbrave maybe you could listen to this and reflect for a moment? ... I know, there's a LOT of stuff here to wade through, but this one is pretty good. really.
wainbrave going to see a matinee with my son Griffin then take him to a friend's house for a sleepover; date with my wife tonight!
wainbrave Here comes the longest night of the year... I can smell it
wainbrave stomping in from the cold after seeing "Bolt" with my five year old son; dang Disney for doing a decent movie. Kindergarten enthusiasm is cocaine-ish
wainbrave Looking through the local indie paper for a show to see downtown tonight: looking for something with edge, but harmonious enough for my beautiful wife
wainbrave not finding much... maybe have to create some entertainment instead
wainbrave After eating so much popcorn and candy and drinking soda, Griffin and dad are both, uh...
wainbrave Going to a local pub to see a local act and eat some food shipped in from some faraway factory, la la la
wainbrave Pancakes, coffee, comics, and house music on Sunday morning
wainbrave what do you mean I don't support your system? ... I go to court when I have to!
wainbrave my daughter Sophia wants to dance... so c'mon now EVERYBODY: you can dance!!!
wainbrave a vast improvement over gene simmons, imho
wainbrave @nick_sorg all right, of course I love KISS: they were my first rock-and-roll idols (3rd grade). All four of those guys were awesome comicbook rockers
wainbrave Anarchy on a Sunday

Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK

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wainbrave going to get some stereo equipment as my <-- --> wife presents to one another (reblip)
wainbrave maybe buy some video games while I'm at it. It's called "research"!!!
wainbrave see you kittens later... I'm eatin a sandwich and going shopping
wainbrave no school for da kids in Eugene... snow! snow! snow!
wainbrave we shall Go! out into the Snow! (as soon as we dig out our Montana gear that generally gets no use here in Oregon, unless we head for higher ground)
wainbrave we might have a prayer of getting through January

Merle Haggard - If We Make It Through December

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wainbrave you... like the mountains miss the snow
Fleep @wainbrave "When Cats Take Over the World" by Jamie Anderson, slightly NSFW, theme song for Fleep's house


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wainbrave @Fleep good song dere, Fleep! I'd have to say though - I'm more of a dog person (but i love cats too). RocketGirl (1/2 lab, 1/2 shepherd) says Hi!
wainbrave I liked this song BEFORE it was on Grey's Anatomy (and was rather horrified to discover it was thereupon)... but not surprised.
wainbrave @fleep here's one for you this holiday season, my digital inspiration, my comrade of the pixels; you rock! :)
wainbrave snow here in Oregon... we can't find the garden gnomes.. need the Pixies to help us Dig For Fire!
wainbrave it's what you're doing with no sunlight... the sun has set here in Eugene; bundleup the kids, making popcorn
wainbrave worked most of the day in SL: terraforming our new Game Dev curriculum space. This project is gonna rock!

SebadohOn Fire

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wainbrave what are you doing on Friday nite?
wainbrave i used to sing this song with some friends in a "band" - red hot mama, velvet charmer... times come to pay your dues!
wainbrave after the World Wide Web will come... the Interstellar Hardrive. Can Google do it?
wainbrave challenge and opportunity - I'm thinking about the new year already - and looking for a good science fiction novel for the break


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wainbrave need a bit more punk in the edupunk group - maybe start with some of the poppy stuff and gradually bleed (and I mean bleed) into the outrage
Fleep not punk quite, but dig the Deftones
wainbrave we're thinking of getting a Victorian Bulldog to add to our crazy house... goes by the name of "Rudy"
wainbrave one of Sophia's new favorite songs she listens to on her new nano. Dad approves.
wainbrave this guy's music is just TOO catchy. I know it's rather cheesy, but consarn it, it's happy and nice and I like it
wainbrave this song sounds like snow to me
wainbrave wander teachers, don't stay in the classroom. All those who might think to be "edupunks" should be rather "edugypsypunks";

Gogol Bordello Gypsy Part of Town

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wainbrave Santa still needs to go shopping
wainbrave I still think this song has one of the best music videos ever
wainbrave wainbrave needs to start fixing up his house in Chilbo: it's getting rather embarrassing
wainbrave the kid STILL has a fever; she's hanging over the toilet. poor thing. we've set up a nest here downstairs where she doesn't have to navigate stairs :(
wainbrave doing homework on the first night of break; so goes the life of a sheepdog
wainbrave why can't I upload photos to Second Life from iPhoto? crashes every time!
wainbrave from a tribute to Bono from a bunch of African musicians. I thought this pretty sweet
wainbrave already feels like Sunday morning on a Friday nite
wainbrave My mom and pops are coming from Helena, MT tomorrow for, um, solstice!
wainbrave The paradox of "research" in rapidly changing times is the old pipelines be too slow for either generating new or framing true to be responsive enough
wainbrave the paradox of "teaching" in rapidly changing times is the elders may be more stuck trying to roll with transformations than they they profess to tch
wainbrave i used to listen to this at night after work at a psychiatric hospital for teens in Butte, MT
wainbrave @phillyman had this... I like it! yeah! (reblip)
wainbrave good morning my friends! The darkest night is nigh... now, however, is a beautiful morning
wainbrave went shopping and gave up after waiting in lines in two stores. I have zero Shopping Stamina.
wainbrave bought three books right under my son's nose tho! :D
wainbrave I think people pushed down their debt below their consciousness AGAIN (just for Christmas, mum); there were too many people oot and aboot today
wainbrave cousins are stopping by to whoop it up tonight
wainbrave I see people doing what looks like all of their grocery shopping at Trader Joes.... how do you DO that?
wainbrave @BetteDillinger and I used to listen to THIS a kabba-zillion times back in the day
wainbrave I wish I could get a present for everyone on the Internet... esp. the social networking folk.
wainbrave dinner's not a problem.... gonna take the opportunity to update my poor blog
wainbrave ecosensibility means having to not only be more responsible for the future. but to think about it, act toward it, teach with it in mind more freq.
wainbrave prior to Sigur Ros was this great band
wainbrave they also, by the way, made up their own phonetic language (the voice as pure instrument)
wainbrave first time i heard Roky was when I bought this soundtrack after the movie came out. Took me years to unravel the whole story and listen to his work
wainbrave I'm blipping and tweeting about having lasagne for dinner.
wainbrave do you prefer EndNote or Zotero?
wainbrave or do you use a different citation machine?
wainbrave Putting my syllabus together for next week


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