weberico Brian... the Brain Eno (o Brayan para los cuates)
weberico Ufff! qué tal la combinación 'cuerdas-piano"?
weberico Now I'm bolder, older, & colder
weberico The drums, the drums, the drums
weberico Suspicious of my intentions? Pero por qué? si soy requet'estable
weberico Midlife crisis? Not at all... todo un kid


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weberico Since the very first time, all I gotta say is: UUUUUUFFFFF!


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weberico Y el amor qué, on táaaa? Bring it to me (where I can see)
weberico "Just do it"! (TM)... get ready for a fall
weberico Bon ben... c'est ladytron!


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weberico Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls???
weberico No le entiendo un carajo... pero creo que todos entendemos que es SUBLIME
weberico Not as tempting as the original one but it's also great
weberico La descripción de "la primera vez" o I can't remember a worst one (indeed I do)
weberico I just can't hide my preferences (aunque están muuuuy lejos del Sam's Town)
trendy @weberico Good morning in the morning, o buenos días por la mañana, como solía decir un panzón que trabajaba conmigo
weberico finding some models for wives
weberico Jaaaa! Finalmente la hice mía, gracias DaBid!
weberico Would you fall down?


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PlasticRobot Holy crap! When did I hit 1K!? Um - I'd like to thank The Academy and all my supporters...this wouldn't be possible without you.


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weberico La guitarra, el sinte y el corito "uuuu, uuuu, uuuu, uuuuuuuuu!"
PlasticRobot via@DougAlder Very cool. I haven't gotten to hear much of Ellen Allien, but this is a great one. Thanks! (reblip)
weberico yes, this fears got a hold on me (but i'm fighting against them... )
weberico Jáaa! Es la que le gusta a Fuuu -aka Fichi, Chavita...that's not her name!
weberico Esta me la presentó la Fuuu -aka as Chava, Fichi... that's not her name!
weberico Multiplícate por Zeeeeroooo
weberico This song is my discovery of the day... I guess I'm a little late
weberico Just like mine... only pure thoughts
weberico There's a part of me that still believezzz
weberico a must "in the middle of a (short) picture"
weberico when everything was perfect... lo echastesss a perder (dice)
weberico Como que todavía me resisto al Imperio del Sol...
weberico Ok, ok... sí, me gusta esa canción. Y quéee?
weberico Manic Street Preachers - Umbrella
weberico Ok, es un placer culposo... y qué?!?!?!
weberico Alors, nous allons fêter cet soir?
weberico Je ne me souviens pas si j'ai déjà blippé la chanson...
weberico Midnight Juggernauts - Into the Galaxy
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