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Romania Romania. DJ since Mar 12, 2009

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sfinxu in memoriam Razboiul Sfarsitului Saptamanii. Domnule Trandafir, Victore, pe unde umblati?
sfinxu vesnicia s-a nascut la Live.

the ting tings live mtv 2008 That's not my name

sfinxu hai cu sfarsituldesaptamana!
sfinxu Cred ca e dedicatie pentru Bryan Adams si norul lui cu numarul 9.
sfinxu Springsteen, acest Victor Newman al muzicii internationale. Beat that Cotabita, Chirila, Madalina Manole!
sfinxu In the beginning, when we were winning
sfinxu what are they doing in the hyacinth house? hm?
sfinxu niciodata intr-o reclama Orange de la metrou cu delfini, pantere sau harciogi.
sfinxu Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Guitars. Rock me baby like my back ain't got no bone
sfinxu Botezatule, Bucurenciule, Banicajuniorule, la munca nu la intins nervii consumatorilor!
sfinxu from sweden with love and good lyrics. stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Hrusca!
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