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United States United States. DJ since Nov 8, 2008

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squidbrain Is this one a classic yet?
squidbrain hey @mirrormirror just realized I forgot to follow you. Not that you don't know how to get ahold of me if you need to.
squidbrain Name-dropping an artist I read about in metro times: oh god i'm turning into a hipster make it stop
squidbrain Gonna just take it real easy.
squidbrain Hope you're not squeamish because the speakers are gonna start bleeding all over the place.
squidbrain Just so you can see that POS absolutely murders it in concert. Gotta say this is really good bootleg for a cameraphone.
squidbrain I am more excited than I should be that they're adding more Billy Joel to Rock Band. There goes my street cred, again.
squidbrain Trent Reznor: "Arright guys, I'm done!" [ goes on to be more prolific than at any point in his entire career ]
squidbrain @Shukitty this should have been brought to my attention earlier for reasons which should be obvious.
squidbrain Damn, I forgot how depressing this song is. Maybe don't listen to it if you're already having a bad day. Or, if you want to wallow, go buck-wild.
squidbrain Man, I haven't listened to the Still EP in forever.

Nine Inch Nails Adrift And At Peace still

squidbrain This probably wasn't what you were expecting.
squidbrain @dronnoisseur gotta disagree with you there a bit. no hard feelings.
squidbrain Being a role model is harder than it looks.
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