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over 100 listeners


United States United States. DJ since May 5, 2009

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Berus ...Another Beach Boys song... by The Pixies' Frank Black...
Berus ...Whatever else you're doing with your life, you had better make sure you're doing this too... believe me, no one else can or will do it for you...
Berus ... Time for some Flaming Lips... "The Test Begins... NOW..."
Berus ..Been on Blip since 2009, and in all that time, THIS is the best thing I think I've ever blipped..Here's Rudimental, visualized by Nonstop. Amazing.
Berus ...Lately, I find I'm enjoying tracks which sort've defy categorization... like this one. . . Here's SAIL by Awolnation.
Berus ...Today I received an email from someone I had worked my arse off to help for the past year, saying he was giving up - This one's for him...

Pretenders — Pack It Up

Berus ...Colourbox - "Say You"... few of you will have heard this, but it's a masterpiece of British 80's alternative pop -- and imminently danceable!
Berus ...What a track...when I listen to this one, I literally feel the little hairs standing up on the back of my neck...Here's Rudimental, "Not Giving In"
Berus "What a dark and dreary life....Are you reaching for a knife?...Could you really kill your wife?...Yeah! Oh, yeah!"
Berus ..."Between your outrageous remarks... like the mating calls of sarcastic sharks..." (and one of my favorite videos of the year)
Berus ...It really has been a while... But, in my absence, some good things have happened... and this song pretty much sums it up.
Berus ...Since I'm playing a couple of my favorite soul tracks, here's a true classic that, unlike some, still sounds fresh...

Time To Get Down.

Berus ...It's been a while... Hello again, listeners...

Cool Scene (The Dandy Warhols)

Berus . . . EASILY the greatest dance moves ever seen in a music video (Seriously) . . . Peter Garret = Brilliance in motion . . .
Berus ...Things can change on a dime... and that's not always a bad thing...
Berus ..."Night after night, time after time - Done too much of both types of w(h)ining... I confess..." (Saw EB at Stern Grove 3 weeks ago - amazing.)
Berus . . . July 14th, and I swear, I have rarely felt colder and further from summer than today... San Francisco has a cruel sense of humour...
Berus . . . Another wretchedly cold, dreary, damp summer day in San Francisco, and I wonder; Do . . . you . . . love me . . . like you used to . . . ?
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