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United States United States. DJ since Mar 2, 2009

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MollyMcGutter [The planet where the alphabet starts with Z.]
MollyMcGutter Happy birthday Moz, you sweet and tender hooligan!!!
MollyMcGutter tearin this damn place up, with Clorox and a scrub brush!!!!


MollyMcGutter Brad finally got his Oregon license, so I get to be a proper tourist for our coastal road trip today! :D
MollyMcGutter Don't rake up my mistakes. I know exactly what they are.
MollyMcGutter Well it’s true you’re a bit like me, but you’re a lot like you, and I’m not like you, and you’re not like me, but I’m the same as you.
MollyMcGutter OK...this is just plain weird, connorhalo.....I listened to the Warm Leatherette/TVOD single on repeat on my ride to work this morning. :P (reblip)
MollyMcGutter I'm dedicating this to the pants I just bought at Target.
MollyMcGutter Bye bye, Suite 710, Futura font collection and delicious food carts...It's been a fun 2 years! :[
MollyMcGutter YES YES YES! Thanks Thami!!! :D My sis and I used to have a pretty rad dance routine to this one. (reblip)
MollyMcGutter Now I'm gonna roll like I got nothing but luck, with a spring in my step, as i strut down the block.
MollyMcGutter Jeering at the shadows, sneering behind a smile.
MollyMcGutter Used to remind me of Pittsburgh, now it reminds me of Portland...guess I just have a thing for dirty old towns.
MollyMcGutter The drama queen of every scene, perfectly out of place.
MollyMcGutter Best Decemberists song...that I know of. :)
MollyMcGutter This is how I feel when mittenz beats me at scrabble. ;)
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