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United States United States. DJ since Feb 22, 2009

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Notorious_James "We the people" will be defeated that easily--Yes I'm talking to you Koch Brothers

Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) Lyrics

Notorious_James You have to see the video that goes with this song.

I Stand Alone By Bryan White

Notorious_James I heard this as I was walking to my car after another day at the airport. I feel this way far to often
Notorious_James The first song by her I heard.

Sade ~ Paradise

Notorious_James A good description of my day. The farthest I ventured out of my apartment was to my mailbox
Notorious_James It will not be, contrary to what the TeaBaggers say.
Notorious_James For Gina C--free at last. . .

Sara McLaughlin- in the arms of an angel (city of angels)

Notorious_James I heard this on my way to work. One of my faves of theirs
Notorious_James A pic someone took reminded me of this song. . . .
Notorious_James Just in time for Labor Day here in the USA!

American Land (Live In Dublin)

Notorious_James This song still haunts me today. . .

Shakespeare's Sister-Stay

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