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United States United States. DJ since Sep 12, 2009

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barrazabigb This song makes me laugh way too much.
barrazabigb Just spending my Saturday night with Sam & hot chocolate <3

Sam Cooke- Another Saturday Night

barrazabigb Still upset I missed them in Austin. I just haaaaaaaad to be 20 at the time. Jerks, jerks, jerks. Had to be 21? PFT.
barrazabigb I forgot how much this band puts me in a cheery mood.
barrazabigb Theme song for the day, y'all.
barrazabigb Coldplay will be the death of me.
barrazabigb It's making me want to sing this song. Lawlz.
barrazabigb "And every kid on the whole damn street was gonna make it big and not be beat."
barrazabigb "Nothing's perfect; I'm hoping I'll do."
barrazabigb Work in an hour. Listening to music that reminds me of last year. Love <3
barrazabigb Hey, remember that time we watched Wicker Park and I cried at the end and you kissed my tears away? I miss you so.
barrazabigb Listening to 90's while getting dressed for work. S'all good.
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