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United States United States. DJ since Mar 11, 2009

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blankstareky this has come up twice in the last 20 minutes on the playlist i'm playing. i'm totally ok with that.
blankstareky i've had this stuck in my head for two days. ENJOY!
blankstareky i've decided that the placebo version of this song is better than the kate bush version. deal with THAT, internet! #noonecares
blankstareky i have NO good reason to be listening to this right now. or ever.
blankstareky rise against is my current go-to morning music for the mornings that i really just want to stay in bed.
blankstareky hey @mattmangrease - this is the song i was talking about at work tonight.
blankstareky so, i can't pick a favorite They Might Be Giants song. this one is top 5, though. #tmbg #musicmonday
blankstareky +its hard to pick a favorite They Might Be Giants song. this might be it. #tmbg #musicmonday
blankstareky i've been listening to a lot of They Might Be Giants lately. which is never a bad thing. #tmbg #musicmonday
blankstareky i've discovered that i like to listen to songs in languages i don't understand. because they sound awesome. (reblip)


blankstareky "50 thou a year, i'll buy a lot of beer" PRIORITIES - u r doing it rite.
blankstareky if i take an ice cream scoop to my brain i MIGHT be able to get this song out of my head. i'm considering it.
blankstareky had the sad-walking-away music from the end of the incredible hulk series stuck in my head all morning. side note: that's a hard song to whistle.
blankstareky pretty happy with 'Splosion Man on the Xbox360. a lot of charm and insanity. and a song about donuts.
blankstareky you know who kicks ass? nellie mckay, that's who. i'd kinda forgotten that. i'm going to go listen to some nellie mckay now.
blankstareky i've had the rhythm from this song going through my heads for days. so much cowbell. its making me walk like a disco man. #goldropechain #polyester
blankstareky facts: 1. i am incapable of blipping anything but songs from the 90s tonight. 2. perry farrell is badass. 3. i need to get some sleep.
blankstareky wow, i'd almost entirely forgotten this song existed. once in a while my burned-out memory surprises me and actually functions correctly.
blankstareky when i was sixteen i stole my mom's car (don't tell her) at 2 AM to impress a girl. the girl put this song on the cd player. SO WORTH IT.
blankstareky i love how a song can become forever entangled with the memory of a person and a place and a specific moment in time.
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