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over 50 listeners


United States United States. DJ since Apr 15, 2009

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edythe I was young and at home in bed/ And I was hanging on the words some poem said/and 31/I was impressionable/I was upsettable
edythe And I wandered through the house like a little boy lost in the mall/And an astronaut could've seen the hunger in my eyes from space
edythe And I still think that we'll feel better/To be a part of rain and make it real/ A trip to California at the driver's wheel/Love's like a bomb
edythe But I'll raise a glass now to you and me/To lift me higher so I can see/ Which of these blessings are killing me
edythe Letterman, 1983. Latest album is 6.99 & song is "too new to be named." P. Buck & M. Mills do the talking. M. Stipe is sitting down, not on camera.
edythe your hands are soft/your hands are soft just like silk/you're a drop of blood/you're a drop of blood in my glass of milk
edythe Instead of carving up the wall/Why don't you open up, we talk/I am ready/ I am ready for a fall
edythe your left eyebrow/if it's raised it means yes/if it's not it means take a guess/hey you stop kicking my legs/i'm doing my best/can you pass the figs?
edythe "But the ocean made me feel stupid..."
edythe "I don't need to seem like I care about material things like social status/ I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls!"
edythe oh, it's long, but it's cinematic, and i love it.
edythe "i killed the party again, god damn..."
edythe "i leave the party at 3 am -- alone, thank god -- with a valium from the bride"
edythe @metisevix: "Ask me ask me ask me I won't say no - The Smiths" (reblip)
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