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over 100 listeners


United States United States. DJ since Sep 19, 2008

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knox I've been digging this song quite a bit lately... haven't heard anything else form them, but I do like this!
knox A day late and a dollar short, but I've discovered The xx and I love them!
knox I've been digging this album a bunch and this remix is especially nice. Can't get it out of my head!
knox Bitch all you want about Dave Grohl, but personally I think he writes some great songs... This one included. 1 of 2 new tracks on the new hits CD.
knox My bar was set kind of low here, but one of the better surprises this year for me is the new Alice in Chains record... so glad they're back!
knox Not sure how this missed my radar last year? Each time I listen to it... it gets better!
knox And while I'm in this vein of music... one of my all-time favorites of this genre.
knox Just heard this for the first time in a long time... too long.
knox ...and speaking of her other band... one of my favorites from them!
knox I love women who rock... Brody Dalle rocks... Yes I love her. You may know her from the Distillers... if not you should check them out.
knox Getting a lot of play from me lately... Figured I BLIP it.
knox Can't remember if I've BLIPed this... anyway... here we go!
knox A little late for the dance with these guys/gals, but better late than never. Dig this tune... will be looking into them a bit more.
knox Great band (top 5 for me)... Great song... And great message for everyone!
knox Good stuff that my friend David in VT will attest to.
knox More fun stuff... think I first heard this on Chuck... I also remember hearing them a bunch on MTV2 Subterranean as well with Needy Girl.
knox Can't understand one word of this song, but it's fun, fun, fun!
knox First heard this on MTV2's Subterranean... last good show and only thing on watch on MTV. Not as good as it used to be, but better than nothing.
knox Seems to fit with what I've been playing this morning...
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