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over 500 listeners


Brazil Brazil. DJ since Nov 2, 2008

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schizophonic Hope at least one of you out there will like this
schizophonic Absolutely perfect mashup, smoothly mixed. The "Red rain is pouring down all over me" part brings me to tears...
schizophonic And with this, my friends, I am truly sorry but I must depart. Duty calls me, time flies, for everything's gotta end but someday I shall return! ;-P
schizophonic Dandy, oh Dandy, they can't resist your smile, they long for you, oh dandy...
schizophonic I don't even like hip-hop that much, why the hell can't I stop playing it? Why? Why? WHY?
schizophonic @melpimenta As Mark Twain would say, "The reports of my death have been greatly exagerated" ;-)
schizophonic GR8FL, you're more than welcome... Always! :-)
schizophonic Hello & thanks my new listeners! @felipethomaz @Grazzia @SoninhaLovecat @ killerswp -- Hope you guys (and ladies) enjoy the show!
schizophonic Talking to some guy/girl in omegle who made me remind myself about this place. Now, time for a song.
schizophonic Weird: that's just how I like it. // Estranha, bem do jeitinho que eu gosto...
schizophonic "Dá-me luz, ó Deus do tempo / Nesse momento menor / Pr'eu saber meu redor... / Horizonte distante... / A gente quer ver / Horizonte distante...!!!"
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