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United States United States. DJ since Jun 14, 2009

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thebigfert ...because sometimes bad music is oh so good!!!
thebigfert supposedly the original lyrics to this were actually "kiss me on the butt"... Paul Westerberg why would you change that?!?! seriously?
thebigfert couldn't find a studio version of this song... but its a good one... gotta love songs about being on the road... 2 more weeks.

Limbeck Home (Is Where The Van Is) Live at UCSB Hub

thebigfert Been neglecting my blip... too busy booking tour and whatnot. but thx @Jalapeno & @Olga for the props ...and @johnrod & @poochiesan24 for listening!
thebigfert There's not enough songs about hangovers in this world...
thebigfert @sellout the rubinoos + either Elvis or Squeeze woulda been an amazing show... I'm more than a little jealous...
thebigfert @mannythemailman thanks man! We're from Omaha... You can DL our entire CD for free @
thebigfert Much thanks to @Jalapeno for putting my band up on here and blippin us... God knows I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own! Check it out!
thebigfert @vandaleyes on the other end of his career, but further proof that everything Lynne touched turned to gold. The rest of the band ain't half bad either

Traveling Wilburys Handle with Care

thebigfert Well my first day of blipping is in the books. Thx to @Jalapeno @vandaleyes @darlin and @mannythemailman for being my first listeners!!! awww yeah!!!
thebigfert Its my first day on this thing, but I can already guarantee I will be blip Ike over and over and over and over again!!!

The Ike Reilly Assassination You're So Plain

thebigfert boy they sure don't make protest songs like they used to...
thebigfert D4 played in Omaha last nite for the first time umpteen years and I had to work... such is life I suppose.
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