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United States United States. DJ since May 14, 2009

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theycallmeorange This is me for the night. Later folks.
theycallmeorange Salem is such a fucking trip, man. This album is so good.
theycallmeorange @AnneDroidd seems we share the same unhealthy love for YLHCSD. I've been all about this track today, though. What do you think?
theycallmeorange This band is SO underrated. I wish they still existed and that Casey Crescenzo was with them instead of doing Dear Hunter things.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor last one - it's my love of twee catching up to me. I never really got that into their other albums, but I loved this EP

Heavenly " Atta Girl " (1993)

theycallmeorange @TheDoktor not actually sure if you've heard of the Vehicle Birth but I quite like them, so here they are.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor really, really beautiful shoegaze. This album is just... perfect.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor Wally introduced me to these guys. I love them twice as much for that.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor you're probably at least vaguely familiar with how much I love this band. This might be my favorite song ever. It's beautiful. I don't know
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor I love these guys. The music is great and they're super sweet people, too.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor sound quality on this one is pretty much shit. Regardless, this song is pretty much amazing.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor here's their big hit from the first album. More reference.
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor Dry is a really good album. Most people seem to prefer Uh Huh Her though. PJ Harvey has a lot of feelings - this song really showcases that

Oh My Lover PJ Harvey

theycallmeorange @TheDoktor I went with the live version because I don't care HOW straight you are, everyone should be able to admire Jake Shears' ass at least ONCE
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor my bad! That MIA album was Kala. If we're going off Arular this track oughta do ya. It was the lead single, if I remember right
theycallmeorange @TheDoktor if you've heard a single MIA song in your life it was probably "Paper Planes" - I'm of the opinion it should have been this one.


theycallmeorange @TheDoktor this band made up roughly 1/3 of my childhood. Just sayin' (although Ignition was slightly better)
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